Transparent and responsible public companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (TAPE)

Implementing organizations: Transparency International in BiH / NGO Enterprise Development Agency (Eda)
Partner: Transparency International u BiH
Project budget: 123.000 KM
Donor: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

The overall objective of the project is to improve the transparency and accountability of public sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina, creating preconditions for monitoring of public enterprises performance in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The main goal of the project is to develop, promote and initiate changes in regulations on public enterprises in order to increase transparency of planed and implemented activities.

Expected results:

  1. Comparative study on transparency and accountability of public enterprises prepared and presented
  2. Guidelines for preparation of annual plans and reports prepared and implemented in targeted public enterprises and promoted
  3. Amendments to regulations on public enterprises defining obligations in terms of transparency drafted and put into parliamentary procedure


Ambasada Kraljevine Nizozemske u Bosni i Hercegovini


123.000,00 KM

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