Transparency training

Support of the Global Impact Initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina through trainings given to business sector with topic of anti-corruption.


The project methodology helps the businesses to create a climate of no tolerance for corruption. Ideally, after the training each company should be able to create and implement its own Business Principles for Countering Bribery, with the content tailored to its organization and scope of activities.
Both trainings in Sarajevo and Banja Luka did not exceed more than thirty participants in order to maintain active participation and discussion.
The content of the trainings covers the following topics:
Definitions, forms and consequences of corruption,
Law on free access to information,
Conflict of interest Law,
Law on public procurement and TI Integrity Pact.

During each session participants had the opportunity to ask questions and openly discuss about their own experiences. This approach was strongly stimulated.
For each session TI BiH delivered appropriate training materials consist of laws, summary presentations, model Code of Conduct for business sector, model TI Integrity Pact, etc.
Also, TI BiH will be at disposal to continue cooperation and provide concrete assistance in companies’ future work on business principles that promote transparency, accountability and anti-corruption.


United Nations Development Programme


3.260,00 EUR

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