Corruption Perception Study 2004


Undertake a public opinion survey regarding the perception of corruption and compare the results of the survey with the baseline database developed in 2002;
Publish the survey in both languages (local and English) and distribute to the BiH authorities at all levels including the Council of Ministers, Entity governments as well as the leading International Community representatives. The governments may opt to use the survey as an assessment base for their anti-corruption policies;
Promote results trough mass media;
Inform the citizens of BiH that currently have no access to information and understanding of the implications of corruption and lack of government transparency, particularly those that are relevant to them and their region;
Stimulate broader public discussion on anti-corruption issues;
Strength the rule of the law;
Improve accountability and transparency of the public sector: public finance management, clearer budgets, prohibition of conflict of interest, depolarisation of administration;
Involve citizens in corruption combating: associations for controlling and fighting corruption, partnership with governments, organizing political parties, influence on the leaders.


Investigation of the corruption phenomenon on the ground on a fully representative sample of 1500 respondents over 18 years of age, citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina using the method of face-to-face interviews;
Gathering of authors from different fields of social sciences to analise the results of the research and to write a collection of articles;
Printing of the Study
Media presentation
Distribution of the Study


European Union


45.270,00 EUR

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