Promoting the accountability of public enterprises

The main focus of TI BiH through this project will be on exposing different aspects of spending public funds by state-owned enterprises, with particular focus on their contracts and allocation of funds for advertising in election years.
The main project objective is strengthening the oversight of state-owned enterprises by shedding light on managing of their funds and informing the public on misappropriation of public funds and political and personal influences on the ways the taxpayers’ funds are spent by these companies.

Specific objectives:
– Providing insight into the contracting practices of public enterprises and assessing the transparency of their contracting procedures.
– Mapping political influences on state-owned enterprises and identifying the practices of providing gains for political parties and their management through allocations from public companies
– Mapping the connections between private companies contracted by state-owned enterprises and political parties.

The activities will be caries out in three phases:
Preparation phase – establishing the methodology and sampling of state-owned enterprises which includes establishing a general sample of state-owned enterprises for collection of data on transparency of public procurement, setting the criteria and indicators for the type of data that will be used, including the data collection tools and means, and establishing the sample for the research on advertising expenditure and the methodology for collecting the data on private companies.
Data collection phase, i.e. collecting relevant information on individual procurement contracts of state-owned enterprises, which will be later analysed for the purpose of assessing the transparency and identifying the practices of providing gains for political parties and their management through allocations from public companies.
Data analysis and promotion of findings – publishing three analyses on the aforementioned aspects of procurement practices and promoting the findings through individual stories, infographics, video stories, illustrations, and upgrade of the contracts database.[:]




47.000,00 USD

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