Civic Advocacy Program II (CAPP II)


The Project consists of three phases:

  1. Analyze and avaluation of the Legal frame and transparent political parties financing in BiH – TI Crinis metodology (The Law on political party financing, notification of political party, monitoring Audit of political party financing in BiH)
  2. Public awarnes campaign (Campaingne for raising awareness will assist citizens to create new perception of raised issues related to corruption, which this problem discovers, with all negative consequencies for society and citizens)
  3. Monitoring campaign of General Election Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2010 (Monitoring of pre-elections campaigne is based on meassuring lenght of commercials in electronic media, space in printed media, billboards and number of organised events for citizens. This will help us to calculate estimate costs of campaign, and will be compared and analysed with costs that parties reported officially.)




100.000,00 USD

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