Responsibility Program in the Western Balkans – Phase II

This regional programme for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia aims strenghting implementation Access to Information law. The programme also aims at involving civil society in actively promoting and monitoring law.
These goals will be reached by:
To improve the quality of Access to Information laws;
To monitor and encourage harmonization with European standards;
To maintain popular and media support for anti-corruption initiatives;
To generate a body of knowledge on Access to Information for use in the region and beyond.
The one-year project is being implemented by the TI National Chapters in the respective countries and coordinated by he TI International Secretariat.

The project includes the following activities:
Improving legal standards;
Testing effectiveness of laws/analysis of obstacles to implementation;
Assisting users of the law;
Improving government capacity to implement laws;
Exploring development of legal cases (e.g. preparation of pilot cases to challenge implementation of FOIA laws, or provisions of information to those preparing cases).


Open Society Institute


$ 19.937,00

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