Prevention of corruption in higher education by improving transparency at BiH universities


The main goal of the project is prevention of corruption in higher education through increasing the level transparency and creating preconditionsforharmonizationof the legalframework.
Activities of the project:

1. Analysis of the legal framework and analysis of budget allocations for higher education at all levels in BiH
2. Corruption perception survey in public and private institutions of higher education in BiH (qualitative and quantitative research).
3. Survey amongst scientific research and teaching staff, governing bodies of universities and colleges with the aim of measuring their awareness of the existence of regulations, codes and measures against corruption
4. Public campaign-informing citizens about the problem of corruption in higher education and advocating for the harmonization of legal frame work at various levels of government in BiH
5. Analysis of the level of transparency and accessibility of data at universities.
6. Establishing cooperation with selected public Universities and joint creation and adoption of policies of transparency and accountability.

Target groups: students, teaching and non-teaching staff, governing bodies of universities, decision makers in the field of higher education policy, media, civil society organizations that are interestedin monitoring higher education and general public.




149.980,00 USD

Project status


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