Increasing transparency and accountability for financing political parties in BiH
Total cost (USD): 59,996
The project will work on improving the legal framework regulating political party financing in BiH, by directly offering proposals, enabling consultations with and between decision makers, and providing public support and pressure through portraying specific examples of abuses and undertaking public campaign. As a result of project activities the proposed legal framework should be fully aligned with GRECO recommendations and international best practices.
The project will contribute to solving the aforementioned problems by providing comprehensive proposals for the amendments to the Law on Political Party Financing, aimed at introducing greater oversight and accountability, as well as transparency, but also more effective repressive mechanisms, in line with the international standards and recommendations. Additionally, the project will ensure the dialogue between all relevant stakeholders and decision makers in order to create consensus on the necessary legal reforms, as well as provide public support and pressure by showing the repercussions of the existing inadequate regulations.
59.996 USD
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