Monitoring the implementation of the anti-corruption strategy (2009 – 2014) and anti-corruption reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina


The objective of the project is to provide detailed analysis of the implementation levels of the anticorruption strategy and anticorruption reforms in key areas in BiH, which will serve as a basis for defining measures and planning future advocacy activities with an aim of an efficient and successful implementation of anticorruption reforms in BiH and increase in the capacities of state institutions and the society in general in curbing corruption.

Under the new circumstances of the adopted strategic framework, but also considering the previous experiences of the slow/inadequate implementation of the strategies, action plans and laws in BiH, the process of strengthening the cooperation between FOD BiH and TI BiH and extending it to other competent institutions and civil society organizations in BiH would run in more directions. According to the internationally accepted standards, the adopted strategy and the positive cooperation experiences between the anticorruption organizations and institutions worldwide, the project will be divided in three components.

Component 1: Direct and formal monitoring of the implementation of the BiH Anti-corruption Strategy 2009-2014 and its Action plan.
(Building the capacities of Agency for the prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption; prevention of corruption; education, training and awareness raising; coordination and Strategy implementation and international cooperation)

Component 2: Sectorial or “deep”monitoring of the anti-corruption reforms and laws implementation
(Monitoring of the legal amendments and implementation of the Law on conflict of interest, Law on financing of political parties and Election Law, Monitoring of the implementation of BiH Law on public procurement, Monitoring of processing the cases of corruption by courts and prosecutor’s offices in BiH, Monitoring of public audit institutions)

Component 3: Advocacy and promotion (state institutions, international institutions, media, civil society organizations, conferences)




97.150,00 KM

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