Monitoring the implementation of the BiH Anti-Corruption Strategy 2009-2014

The project “Monitoring of the implementation of the BiH Anti-corruption Strategy 2009-2014”, financed by the UK Foreign Commonwealth Office, is implemented in the period August 2010-March 2011. Its purpose is to ensure the implementation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Anti-corruption Strategy through the active involvement of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the national Anti-Corruption Strategy and its Action Plan. The main project activity is the elaboration of two monitoring reports of the Strategy implementation, thereby strengthening the mechanisms for continuous participation of the civil society organizations throughout the full policy cycle and also allowing the identification of shortages and problems to be addressed in the future implementation of the anti-corruption measures. Furthermore, the project aims at establishing successful and sustainable cooperation between the governmental and non-governmental sector, with an aim of effective and efficient implementation of the national Anti-Corruption Strategy and its Action Plan by promoting and improving the discussion on different topics encompassed by the Strategy. Other project activities include the organization of workshops and conferences with an aim of improving the understanding and knowledge of the BIH Anti-corruption Strategy by all the interested stakeholders (public institutions, CSOs, private sector, media, academia and public, etc.), as well as the elaboration of policy briefs which will identify issues and current problems needing alternative approaches and formulate recommendations which could serve as an impetus for action to the competent institutions to make policy adjustments and corrective measures throughout the Strategy implementation process. A research carried out in the form of structured interviews, questionnaire or survey will be conducted and it will investigate the level of familiarity with the Anti-Corruption Strategy, the understanding and awareness of the role of public institutions and agencies tasked with its implementation, the institutional, organizational, human capacities etc. to deal with the requirements indicated in the Strategy. In this way it, will be possible to get a comprehensive overview of given issues to serve a basis for further analysis and or provide situation/status data which will assist in identifying issues of concern and planning of the activities of the newly established Agency for the prevention of corruption and coordination of the fight against corruption.


Foreign and Commonwealth Office


177.479,50 KM

Project status


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