Corruption Prosecution and Legal Aid Monitoring (M-ALAC)
Total project amount: 3.106.079 NOK
Project objective:
The main objective is to mobilise citizens in anticorruption efforts and increase transparency and accountability of judiciary by: empowering citizens to report corruption and acting towards institutions to ensure that citizens reports are addressed; building student networks and youth initiatives in the field of anti-corruption; and strengthening oversight of prosecution of corruption through monitoring trials of corruption, holding judiciary accountable in prosecuting public officials.
Project activities:
Providing legal aid to citizens through TI BiH Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre, which includes:
- informing citizens on their rights and mechanisms to report corruption,
- providing legal assistance by acting towards relevant institutions based on individual citizens reports,
- monitoring the action of institutions upon citizens reports using all legal means on disposal,
- publishing specific cases and policy issues
Engaging youth through building a student network to monitor trials of corruption and build their capacities and experience in anti-corruption initiatives
Monitoring trials of corruption cases across BiH, including:
- long-term on site monitoring of corruption trials by student monitors, covering all phases,
- analysis of monitoring input, focusing on all relevant aspects of the process
- promoting monitoring findings, focusing on trends related to efficiency of judiciary, penal policy, damages caused by observed corruption cases, etc.
- advocacy for improvements to the legal framework and procedures
3.106.079 NOK
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