Media Campaign: Accountability and Transparency in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Promotion of good governance (promotion of transparency and accountability of governments and their role to serve the citizens);
Increasement of public awareness of the problem of corruption (pointing out the proportion of the problem and its negative influence on society and living standards);
Encouragement and promotion of intolerance for corruption (promotion of intolerance towards corruption and presentation of corruption as global a problem that society needs to solve if it wants to develop);
Promotion of anti-corruption measures (encouragement of different initiatives, which could influence a decrease in corruption);
Introduction of anti-corruption mechanism to the citizens (introduce to the citizens the ways of reporting corruption);
Encouragement of active civic participation in the fight against corruption (including NGOs, citizens and other organisations in activities of fighting the corruption);
Raising citizens’ awareness about the existence and possibilities that Conflict of Interrest and Freedom of Information laws offer;
Dissemination of information about corruption to the public and other institutions (NGOs, international organisations and government agencies).


Phase 1:
Preparatory activities
Preparation activities will include forming the team of experts in charge for implementation of the project (TI BiH experts, marketing specialist, psychologist, lawyers, media experts and journalist).

Phase 2:
Testing the created messages
At least two focus groups will be formed to test and evaluate the effects of the message. Focus group will serve review the initially suggested/proposed message to ensure the best quality/price ratio of the final message.

Phase 3:
Creation of TV and radio clips
This phase would be outsourced to a specialised agency. They would be contracted for a very specific task under a strict guidance of the expert team with clear terms of reference as an annex to the contract.

Phase 4:
Selection of TV and radio broadcasters
The expert group will proceed, using the TI BiH media database, with the selection of the most important broadcasters, bearing in mind the demographics of BiH.

Phase 5:
Campaign adjustments
The campaign will be constantly monitored and evaluated, and if necessary adjustments will be applied. Beside that, every three months the contents of the messages will be changed.

Phase 6:
Celebration of the 9th of December 2005 – Global day of fight against corruption

This phase will have following components:
Journalist Integrity Award
Anti-Corruption Conference
Music parties with top DJ’s


The Government of Canada-CIDA


98.204,00 CAD

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