Public procurement in the health sector: Education of contracting authorities

Project holder: Transparency International Czech Republic
Project is implemented in cooperation with the Transparency International in BiH
Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transition Programme.

Project budget: 337.000 CZK

Objectives of the project:
– Development of the Analysis and Recommendations on public procurement in the health sector;
– Dissemination of the Analysis and Recommendations on public procurement in the health sector;
– Preparation of target groups for implementation of the Recommendations on public procurement in the health sector.

– Developed the Analysis and the Recommendations on public procurement in the health sector;
– Study visit of representatives of target groups in the CR with a focus on public procurement in the health sector;
– Organized presentation and discussion on the Analysis and Recommendations on public procurement in the health sector – seminars for experts on public procurement;
– Main stakeholders and citizens informed of the project results through press conferences.

– Designing a Legal analysis containing basic quantitative data related to the topic of public procurements of medical equipment and mapping the existing practices and problematic issues relating to the public procurements of medical equipment in medical institutions of BiH;
– Identifying 3 participants for a study visit in the Czech Republic;
– Working meeting of representatives of both partners in BiH and candidates for study visit; specification of the study visit´s programme in the Czech Republic, detailed activities, logistics; discuss a structure and content of Recommendations;
– Supervision of a final version of the Recommendations;
– Organizing two seminars for experts on public procurement presenting the Analysis and the Recommendations, and 2 press conferences;
– Distribution of an electronic version of the Analysis and the Recommendations.




331.700,00 CZK

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