Strengthening the system of social integrity in the countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey

Transparency International e.V. (Secretariat)

Partner: Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina

Duration: 01 May 2014. – 30 April 2017
Donation:182.017,70 EUR

Regional project “National Integrity Systems in the Western Balkans and Turkey, and tracking developments of anti-corruption efforts“ (NIS) has duration of three years and is being implemented in cooperation with Transparency International Secretariat (TI-S) in Berlin.
Overall objective of the project is to improve standards of governance, levels of transparency and reduce corruption, thereby contributing to democratic stability and sustainable development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)
Specific objective is to promote evidence-based anti-corruption policy and practice by public and non-state actors by combining a holistic evidence-based assessment with multi-stakeholder approach, thus offering a detailed evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of a country’s anti-corruption system, which can serve as a crucial starting point for signaling areas requiring priority action.
National Integrity System involves key institutions, sectors or certain activities (“pillars”) that improve integrity, transparency and accountability within society, e.g. legislature, executive, judiciary, audit institutions, public procurements system, civil society, political parties, media, business sector and international institutions.
NIS Study is based on the qualitative and quantitative assessment of the institutions crucial for overall system of curbing the corruption.
Target group of the project are all the principle institutions in a country (“pillars”) that play a role in the fight against corruption and identified project beneficiaries are the citizens of BIH, donor community and civil society organizations engaged in the fight against corruption.
NIS assessment will result in recommendations for areas or activities that require attention in the short- or medium-term that may form the basis for donor support, cooperation and coordination.[:]


Transparency International


182.017,70 EUR

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