Global trends and European responses to the challenges of corruption

Project duration: March 2015. – December 2015.

Project holder: Transparency International e.V (Secretariat)

Project is implemented in cooperation with the Transparency International BiH

Project budget: 8 000 EUR

Purpose of the Project:

  • The propose of this project is to organise an Action Research Design Workshop on Social Design Interventions to Promote Norms of Integrity and Accountability.

Objectives of the project:

The research objective is:

  • to understand how and when individuals dicided to demand accountability and thereby reduce opportunities for corruption.
  • to understand what motivates people to do things such as reporting cases of corruption or deciding to seek help in dealing with a corrupt situation or just simply saying no to it.
  • to understand how people actually go about resisting something that is often portrayed as close to impossible to resist and rarely examined in terms of what and partical tactics sucessful.


  • Conducting desk research that will analyse laws and other regulations.
  • Selection of participants and preparation of the focus groups.
  • Compliting data analysis and research report.

 Expected results:

  • The expected results of this project is to better understand what kind of people, why, when and how take actions against corruption-both individually, as well as collectively



Transparency International


8.000,00 EUR

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