Education and health: transparency and efficiency of public spending?

Total project value : The main goal of the project is to monitor the complete cycle of selected public procurement procedures in the field of health and education, in order to develop a detailed analysis that will serve as a basis for advocating transparency and efficiency of public procurement procedures in these areas.

Specific objectives of the project:

  • provide the public with accurate and independent information on public procurement case studies in the health and education sectors
  • to initiate a public debate on the importance of transparency and efficiency in the implementation of public procurement procedures in the health and education sectors
  • strengthen oversight of public procurement processes in the health and education sectors
  • monitor compliance with public procurement regulations in the health and education sectors

Project activities:

  1. Detection of public procurements that are subject to monitoring
  2. Data collection
  3. Making a publication
  4. Advocacy

Expected results:

  1. Published case studies with all the characteristic details
  2. Created content for further public action through social networks and portals
  3. Reacting in the direction of the competent institutions in order to eliminate and possibly process the observed irregularities
Total project value: 20,000 USDThe main objective of the project is to monitor the complete cycle of selected public procurement procedures in the field of health care and education, in order to produce a detailed analysis that will serve as a basis for advocating transparency and efficiency of conducting public procurement procedures in the mentioned fields.

Specific objectives of the project:

  • Provide the public with accurate and independent information on public procurement case studies in the health care and education sectors
  • Launch a public debate on the importance of transparency and efficiency of public procurement procedures in the health care and education sectors
  • Strengthen oversight of public procurement processes in the health care and education sectors
  • Monitor compliance with public procurement regulations in the health care and education sectors.

Project activities:

  1. Detecting public procurement subject to monitoring
  2. Collection of data
  3. Creating a publication
  4. Advocacy

Expected results:

  1. Case studies with all the characteristic details published
  2. Content for further public action through social networks and portals created
  3. Responding to the competent institutions in order to eliminate and eventually process any irregularities identified.




$ 20,000

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