The goal of this conference is to identify effective mechanisms for prevention of corruption at universities in the region with the aim of creating a transparent and accountable system of higher education, and to provide equal access to education and to strengthen trust in universities, which has been shaken due to a number of corruption scandals which have shaken not just Bosnia, but also other countries in the region.
Conference will focus on the discussion about the solutions which have so far yielded results in the fight against corruption in higher education, and on proposals for strengthening the integrity of higher education institutions.
The conference will be held on 12th and 13th December at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo. The first day of the conference (starting from 13:00 p.m.) will be devoted to discussion about ensuring integrity in higher education and pre-requisites for effective prevention of corruption. The second day (starting from 10:00 a.m.) will be devoted to comparison of the regional experiences. The conference speakers shall be representatives of organizations and institutions from Serbia, Croatia, Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina with participation of representatives of the BiH universities and the institutions in charge of implementation of laws on higher education.
The conference will be open to the press, and the agenda is attached.
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