Sarajevo, July 14, 2011. — The new draft on the amendment to the Law on the Civil Service in the FBiH, which was made by a working group of the FBiH Government, represents inexplicable and unacceptable step, which is contrary to the principles of public administration reform and positive legal practice.
With this draft Law, the Government of the FBiH has continued the practice from the previous mandate, which was endeavored, with similar suggestions, to downgrade the reform of public administration and stultify the existence of the Act itself. By this proposed amendment to the Law on the Civil Service, there is a re-introduction of the principle of political appointments to positions that have had the civil service status up to now, as it is the case with the assistant ministers, which in this case could be dismissed at any time by the ministers themselves. With such a solution, some departments would virtually be under complete and unrestricted control of ministers and political parties, which they belong to.
Of particular concern are indications that this harmful solution is planning to be sent in the procedure in a matter of urgency, which means that the possibility of public hearings and recommendations would be eliminated again by the civil society and the public.
TI BiH urges the Government of the FBiH to reconsider the proposed solutions once again and to adopt the same ones toward the basic goals of public administration reform in BiH, and these are the strengthening of its independence, professionalism and efficiency.
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