New TI report demonstrates the need to improve the implementation of the OECD Convention

28 July 2010

Under the new TI report, most of the barges OECD Convention against Bribery has made significant progress in the last six years. But there are still 20 countries that are just beginning.

These reports show that 7 out of 36 countries that are rated, are actively working to implement the OECD Convention. These countries also represent 30% of the world’s exporting countries, an increase from 4 to 7 countries of prošlogodinjeg Report of 2009, Report of the acts of 2010 is very positive and encouraging showing a moderate increase in advancing the implementation of the Convention in all its members and to the all countries that make up 21% of the countries exporting ..

Denmark, Italy and Great Britain are rated to actively implement and use the Convention, unlike the previous report estimated when the mark with moderate implementation. Argentina was awarded a ocijnom umjreno, with the recommendation that it should accelerate its processes, Canada as a member of the G8 industrial countries, generally no, or only in small measures under the Convention.

Six years ago, when it began monitoring the implementation of the Convention, today, already seen significant progress. It is worrying that only 20 countries that signed the Convention in general nepoštuje. There should no justification in economic terms by the government because the only way to stop bribery of public officials by foreign companies. Under the Convention, “čišnjenje” must be a key part of reforms that are needed to overcome the world recession.

China for example, takes a growing role in worldwide economic level, India and Russia are also in a global sense, not trebaja ignored. As their trade grows, the foundation is to be respected all the rules. TI urges OECD to sign the Convention as soon as possible with these governments.

To make a breakthrough in the fight against bribery, the OECD must make a strong political pressure from the signatory countries and to those who have yet to engage and thereby strengthen their economies.

Key findings

CategoriesThe percentage of tradeContries
Active implementation ( 7 )30%Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
Moderate implementation ( 9 )21%Argentina, Belgium, Finland, France, Japan, Korea (South), Netherlands, Spain, Sweden
Little or no implementation at all  ( 20)15%Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey

The last year can be marked as a constantly increasing number of cases of bribery of public officials by foreign businessmen and companies. A large number of casessuccessfully resolved nagodbenim procedures. Settlement can avoid long-term storageprocesses, high costs and unpredictable, but that would be successfully resolved, thesettlement must be fully transparent. OECD warns all governments to urgently adoptprocedures for independent judicial review, the publication of the agreed term,evidence, and the other set of measures to ensure that all cases are resolved to the mutual benefit of both individuals and companies.

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