Izvještaji za Medije

Bosnia opposition urges anti-corruption laws

Bosnian opposition parties are angry that the internationally appointed authority in the country has refused to support what they say is a crucial law aimed at cutting down...

Izvještaji za Medije

Bosnia opposition urges anti-corruption laws

ISN, 18 April 2005

By Nidzara Ahmetasevic in Sarajevo for IWPR

Bosnian opposition parties are angry that the internationally appointed authority
in the country has refused to support what they say is a crucial law aimed at cutting
down corruption, tax evasion and money laundering.

They say the lack of legal provisions enabling courts to seize illegally acquired
property and other assets is costing the state millions of euro in lost money. Although
they presented a draft law on the seizure of illegally obtained assets almost 18
months ago, the ruling nationalist parties have refused to adopt it and the office
of the High Representative (OHR) under Paddy Ashdown, has also held aloof.

The scale of the problem is not seriously disputed. Studies by international and
legal experts over several years have shown that huge amounts of money are lost
to the government every year through money laundering, embezzlement, tax evasion
and the illegal acquisition of property and other assets. Only this year, studies
pointed to the extent to which organized and economic crime structures are damaging
the country’s coffers. They pointed out that while Bosnia has received huge financial
donations over the past decade, including more than US$5 billion in aid from 1995
to 2000, little of this investment is visible on the country’s shabby streets, or
in the life-styles of the poverty stricken population. The OHR has also admitted
that several billion convertible marks (KM), the Bosnian currency, earmarked for
social spending had ended up in private hands in the past few years.

Losing billions to corruption

In Bosnia’s reconstruction sector alone, about 74 million KM are embezzled every
year, according to Transparency International, a respected anti-corruption watchdog.
The Customs and Fiscal Assistance Office, CAFAO, says another 1.2 billion KM, which
is more than the annual budget of the Federation – Bosnia’s larger entity – is lost
to the government each year through scams such as fake companies, or companies registered
in the name of dead people.

This corruption has more than purely economic consequences. An efficient fight against
organized crime and corruption is one of 16 conditions set by the European Commission
if Bosnia is to get a green light for a Stabilization and Association Agreement
(SAA), a key stage on the road to EU membership. The establishment of a special
legal department for tackling organized and economic crime and corruption marked
a first step by the courts to bring the criminals to justice. But this initiative
has proved insufficient. While the department has launched many court cases, only
a few people have been sentenced. Additionally, those who were convicted and sentenced
have usually retained ownership of their illegally acquired assets through legal

Legislation lacking

Legal experts say the courts have been unable to remedy this basic deficiency because
they lack a specific law that would entitle them to requisition such assets. “We
sorely need a law that would allow the seizure of illegally acquired assets,” Transparency
International's spokesperson, Srdjan Blagovcanin, told IWPR. “It could be a very
efficient way to combat organized crime and other acts of crime.” The existing regulations
in Bosnia on the issue are either ignored, unexplored or are not used efficiently.
For example, the country is a signatory to the Council of Europe convention on money
laundering, obliging the authorities to seek out and confiscate property acquired
through crime. But the obligation is rarely implemented. Similarly, the new Bosnian
criminal code states, “No one can retain illegally acquired property.” But, in the
two years since that law has been in place, only 500’000 KM of such assets have
been seized in a handful of cases. Lawyers say the existing regulations are not
sufficient and that the lack of a precise law on the matter is a hindrance. “If
we had the legal possibilities to act, we could seize €5 million of assets in real
estate and cash from just one man now under investigation,” a source close to the
Bosnian judiciary told IWPR. The source added, “We know that this man can’t prove
the origin of his property but it’s hard for us to prove this under the current

Targeting assets

Several European countries possess special guidelines or laws designed to ensure
that illegally acquired assets do not remain in the hands of the people who have
been found guilty of committing crimes. With this in mind, opposition parties in
the Bosnian state parliament put forward draft legislation based on an existing
law in Ireland, which would have set up a special agency to receive assets acquired
through criminal activities. If the owner was found unable to establish a legal
title to the property, the law would permit the agency to retain control and assess
its value. It would then decide how to use the money or property and whether to
sell it. The Socialist Democratic Party (SDP), the Alliance of Independent Social
Democrats (SNSD), and the National Croat Initiative (NHI), presented the draft law
to the Bosnian parliament in late 2003. “We wanted to secure a tool that would help
the fight against one of the greatest evils facing [Bosnia] today – crime and corruption,”
Jozo Krizanovic, head of the SDP group in the Bosnian assembly, told IWPR. “Before
we proposed the law and the forming of the agency, we reviewed one of the annual
reports on the work of the state prosecutor, which said the prosecution had processed
some 30 acts of crime and seized just over 50’000 KM under the [current] rules.
We noted that even when a crime was dealt with and the perpetrators sentenced, their
property remained in their hands. It is in the interest of citizens for those assets
not to remain in the hands of the people who acquired it in an illegal manner.”

Reform gets nowhere

The proposed reform has got nowhere, though. It was rejected twice by deputies of
the governing nationalist parties, namely, the Party of Democratic Action (SDA),
the Serbian Democratic Party (SDS), and the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ). “The
reaction in parliament from the ruling parties was very negative even before they
looked at the law,” Krizanovic said. They said this law was not needed because there
were other laws that enabled the same thing. Some said it recalled the “dark days
of the previous [communist] system”. The SDA’s Mirsad Ceman, chair of the Constitutional
Legal Commission of the Bosnian Parliamentary Assembly House of Representatives,
said the failure to adopt the proposed law was “not a catastrophe”. Cerman rejected
the need to adopt this or any similar law, insisting that the existing laws afforded
ample possibilities for the courts to combat crime and corruption. Even when reminded
that the state prosecutor himself this year told parliament of the need to adopt
such a law, Cerman remained adamant. The state prosecutor, he said, had “voiced
a political, not an expert, stand”. “Obviously, the people who made the proposal
think they are the image of honesty while all the others are the image of thievery.
I say that there are thieves…among both,” he went on.

Opposition seeks OHR support

After the ruling parties refused to budge, the opposition sought support from the
OHR. Their initial hopes were high. The previous High Representative, Wolfgang Petritsch,
prior to leaving, had drafted a document entitled Work and Justice, which concluded
that the authorities “have to draft and adopt a law which orders the seizure of
assets acquired through acts of crime”. But the current High Representative, Paddy
Ashdown, has refused to take the same stand. Sources close to the OHR say this is
partly because the OHR prefers to have its own legal team drafting laws, which it
then imposes. However, a second reason may be that most of the existing laws, which
the prosecution complains about, have been imposed or drafted by people that the
OHR itself engaged. When the OHR did voice an opinion on the draft law, it demanded
major changes and amendments. For example, the OHR wanted changes to the part of
the law that stated that it would be enough for the state to keep illegally obtained
assets if the owner could not prove their legality, rather than requiring the state
prosecutor to prove their criminal origin. When the initiators of the law declined
to change this section of the wording, the OHR refused to give its support, saying
that adoption of a law like this would be “premature”. This decision by the OHR
went effectively in favor of the ruling parties and their refusal to adopt the law
or give it another hearing. To Cerman, a leading opponent, the arguments that many
European countries have such laws and agencies is no reason for Bosnia to follow
suit. “Nothing can convince me that we need this law,” he said. “All of this is
aimed at creating political tension.”

Nidzara Ahmetasevic is a freelance journalist based in Sarajevo and a regular IWPR

This article originally appeared in Iraqi Crisis Report, produced by the Institute
for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR). Iraqi Crisis Report is supported by the UK Foreign
Office and the US State Department.

Corruption in Education and Role of Education System in Combating Corruption

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) publish NEW survey “Corruption in Education and Role of Education System in Combating...

Izvještaji za Medije

Corruption in Education and Role of Education System in Combating Corruption

Transparency International BiH (TI BiH) publish NEW survey “Corruption in Education and Role of Education System in Combating Corruption””. Promotion of this program will be on 07. December (Wednesday) 2005, on University of Banjaluka, Faculty of Law (amphitheater), at 11 A.M. This program was initiated through TI BiH “Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre” project (supported by German government). Pilot phase was financed by Local Government, City of Banja Luka, with assistance of TI “Accountability program in the Western Balkans (Finland)” and Ministry of Education and Culture, Secretariat of Youth and Sport, Government of Republic of Srpska. Main goal of this program is education, ethic and corruption. This study includes quantitative and qualitative survey of corruption in education in BiH.


Corruption in Education and Role of Education System in Combating Corruption

Corruption still rampant in 70 countries, says Corruption Perceptions Index 2005

London / Berlin, 18 October 2005 - More than two-thirds of the 159 nations surveyed in Transparency International’s 2005 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) scored less than 5...

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Corruption still rampant in 70 countries, says Corruption Perceptions Index 2005



Global Corruption Perceptions Index
Corruption still rampant in 70 countries, says Corruption Perceptions Index 2005

Fraud Office looks into British energy firm's role in Balkans

Company denies any wrongdoing as investigators follow up special audit report ordered by Bosnian administrator Lord Ashdown. A British energy company has been accused of...

Izvještaji za Medije

Fraud Office looks into British energy firm's role in Balkans

Company denies any wrongdoing as investigators follow up special audit report ordered by Bosnian administrator Lord Ashdown

David Leigh and Rob Evans
Tuesday February 15, 2005
The Guardian

A British energy company has been accused of exploiting poverty-stricken countries in the Balkans and is being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office for alleged corruption, the Guardian can disclose.

This is the first significant attempt by the SFO to enforce the anti-bribery law, introduced three years ago, which has not yet led to a prosecution. If it brings charges, they could be tried in either London or Bosnia.

The company denies breaking the law and says it is the victim of political in-fighting, It says it has suffered “misstatements, innuendos and false allegations” in a special auditors’ report.

EFT Ltd is an electricity trading enterprise with its headquarters in Wigmore Street, London. It is alleged to have gained a stranglehold on power deals and dam-building projects in Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro.

The UN's High Representative in Bosnia, Paddy Ashdown, claims that possible corruption by politicians in the region may be helping to finance renegade war criminals, and he is determined to stamp any such corruption out.

He commissioned a series of special audits which allege that kickbacks may have been solicited by state power company officials to write advantageous electricity-swap contracts with private companies.

“The public utilities have been used as cash cows to line the pockets of politicians and others,” Lord Ashdown told the Guardian. He has dismissed the head of the Republika Srbska state power company for mismanagement. “I have no doubt that illegal, corrupt money is used to protect war criminals,” he said.

There are 18 major suspected war criminals at large, including the Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic, indicted for incidents of genocide, including the massacre in 1995 of 8,000 Muslims at Srebenica, and Radovan Karadzic, the one-time Bosnian Serb president. EFT is not accused by the auditors of being involved with war criminals, and it denies paying kickbacks. The report called for its contractual relationships with the state company to be investigated.

First global convention against corruption to enter into force

Berlin, 16.September - With ratification yesterday by Ecuador of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the first truly global tool in the fight against...

Izvještaji za Medije

First global convention against corruption to enter into force



First global convention against corruption to enter into force

Romania : Romanian government opens police corruption hot line

BUCHAREST (AP)--Romania's Interior Ministry said Friday that it has opened a hot line where citizens can call in with tip-offs about corrupt police...

Izvještaji za Medije

Romania : Romanian government opens police corruption hot line

Romania is struggling to reduce corruption , which affects all walks of life and threatens the country's bid to join the European Union by 2007.

Newly elected President Traian Basescu and his government have made fighting corruption a top priority.

Basescu recently criticized police for cooperating with and protecting criminals. He said corruption endangered national security and he threatened to dismiss top officials if no progress is made in the next six months in fighting corruption and other crimes.

Copyright © 2005 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Europe : Journalist awarded for uncovering EU scandals

The former Brussels correspondent of Stern magazine Hans-Martin Tillack has been awarded for his reports on corruption and democratic deficits within the EU...

Izvještaji za Medije

Europe : Journalist awarded for uncovering EU scandals

The former Brussels correspondent of German magazine Stern, Hans-Martin Tillack, has been awarded the 30,000 euro Leipzig “Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media” for his reports on corruption and democratic deficits within the EU institutions. Mr Tillack was awarded the price jointly with famous American journalist Seymour M. Hersh, reporter for Financial Times Deutschland in Afghanistan and founder of the ‘Free Press Initiative’, Britta Petersen, and Russian expert on Chechnya, Anna Politkovskaya, who was poisoned in an attempt to stop her from publishing critical reports.

Following his story on corruption in the EU statistical office, Eurostat, in March 2004 Belgian police arrested Mr Tillack for allegedly bribing officials. His office was searched while he was detained and interrogated without being allowed to contact anybody. The judicial battle between Mr Tillack and the EU authorities is still ongoing.

On 24 December, Mr Tillack appealed a decision by the EU Court of First Instance to not stop the European Commission and EU anti-fraud office from seeking to access the files that the Belgian police seized.

The Media Foundation of Sparkasse Leipzig is awarding the ‘Prize for the Freedom and Future of the Media’ for the fifth time.

The award honours journalists and media that take great risks, show personal commitment, courage and democratic convictions to protect and foster the freedom of the press.

The prizes will be handed out at a ceremony on 28 April 2005 in Leipzig.

Copyright Euobserver

Presentation of the global 2005 Corruption Perception Index(CPI)

CPI is produced using the same methodology and this year it incorporated 159 countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina for the third successive year. A similar presentation will...

Izvještaji za Medije

Presentation of the global 2005 Corruption Perception Index(CPI)

CPI is produced using the same methodology and this year it incorporated 159 countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina for the third successive year. A similar presentation will be held throughout the globe simultaneously.

The annual CPI is one of the most respected indicators used by politicians, donors, analysts and many other decisionmakers in assessing risks associated with dealing with or operating in a country and it is directly proportional to economic development and poverty reduction indicators.

Presentation for Bosnia and Herzegovina will be held by Mr. Boris Divjak, Chair of the Board of Directors of Transparency International BiH on 18 October 2005 at 10:30 in Holiday Inn Hotel, Sarajevo. On this ocassion TI BiH will present its analysis of the corruption score for the BiH institutions and elaborate on the position of this country in this year’s CPI.

BiH signs UN Convention against Corruption

Banja Luka, 8 September 2005 - The second anniversary of UN Convention against Corruption adoption will be marked on 9 December this year. UN General Assembly proclaimed this date...

Izvještaji za Medije

BiH signs UN Convention against Corruption



BiH signs UN Convention against Corruption

Transparency International BiH presents report for 2004.

Sarajevo : The year coming to an end has been marked by a negative trend because key challenges that the country is facing, the establishment of a functional, stabile and...

Izvještaji za Medije

Transparency International BiH presents report for 2004.

TI stated that the brunt of the responsibility for this situation lies with the parties and individuals in power, but the responsibility of the international community, especially OHR, can also be brought into question.

The institution that entirely or partially performs constitutional, legislative, executive and judicial authority with practically limitless powers should at least accept a part of the responsibility for the situation in BiH.

TI global researches clearly show that BiH is joining the part of the world with uncontrollable corruption and the rule of organised crime.

BiH has dropped from position 70 in 2003 to 82 in 2004 on the list ranking countries from the “cleanest” to the “most corrupt”. Claims on links between political elites and organised crime have also been confirmed which has a negative impact on the business environment and the influx of foreign investments.

At a conference held in Meridil, Mexico, on the occasion of December 9, the International Anti-corruption Day, it was stated that BiH has still not signed the UN Convention on Fighting Corruption. Extremely pessimistic assessments about the situation in BiH were also heard at the conference, including the loss of 1,5 billion KM to corruption, that the state will go bankrupt by 2006, more than 80 million KM ending up in pockets of corrupt individuals because of intransparent public purchase procedures etc.

TI also marked the fourth year of its activities in BiH. In 2005 it will focus its activities on strengthening mechanisms for preventing conflict of interest, freedom of access to information, fighting corruption in education, raising awareness on active participation in the fight against corruption and providing legal assistance to citizens who were damaged by such actions of the authorities.

Copyright FENA

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