Izvještaji za Medije

13 November 2010

The 14th International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 10 – 13 November 2010 on the theme, “Restoring trust: Global action for...

Izvještaji za Medije

13 November 2010

In the aftermath of the financial crisis insecurity has flourished and the challenges threatening the livelihood of populations across the world have increased, creating an environment ripe for corruption. Many of the right promises have been made – the task at hand is to ensure that commitments are honoured.

To restore peoples’ trust and rebuild the credibility of institutions, governments mustmove beyond expressions of political will to concrete action; private sector must put a check on bribery and fulfil their obligations as corporate citizens; and civil society must demand accountability. Above all, there is an urgent need for all actors to work together towards a transparent and accountable global governance agenda.

Over 1,500 participants from over 135 countries are expected at the 14th IACC, drawing together heads of state, academics, civil society, business and government representatives. The conference will serve as a platform to reshape the international agenda by creating collaborative strategies and advocacy on a national and global scale. The IACC is held every two years in a different region of the world and features an impressive line-up of prominent global leaders.

Be part of the solution. Join leading experts at the 14th IACC where the international community will produce strategies and recommendations to reset the global governance agenda for a sustainable future. Please visit the conference website for updates on the agenda and participation: www.14iacc.org.

Be part of the solution. Join leading experts at the 14th IACC where the international community will produce strategies and recommendations to reset the global governance agenda for a sustainable future. Please visit the conference website for updates on the agenda and participation: www.14iacc.org.

Study: Roads perfect example of Moscow corruption

Nineteenth-century Russian novelist Nikolai Gogol once said his country has two problems: roads and fools. And roads, a new study claimed Tuesday, cost many times more to build in...

Izvještaji za Medije

Study: Roads perfect example of Moscow corruption

Opposition figure Boris Nemtsov compiled facts and figures from open sources to shed light on the 17-year tenure of Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

"We'll never solve the problem of traffic under Luzhkov, no matter how much money is allocated for road construction," Nemtsov told journalists. "The exorbitant prices are directly linked to corruption and ties between road builders and authorities. Traffic jams are about corruption."

Luzhkov, who has overseen a construction boom in the capital, has often been accused of corruption and of helping advance the business interests of his wife, Yelena Baturina. A major property developer, Baturina is ranked by Forbes as Russia's wealthiest woman.

Luzhkov has persistently denied allegations of wrongdoing and has successfully sued many accusers for libel.

A 2008 nationwide poll by the Public Opinion Foundation showed that Moscow is regarded as the most corrupt city in Russia, with 42 percent of Moscow residents polled admitting they had given bribes to public officials.

The anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International ranks Russia 147th out of 180 in its global corruption index.

President Dmitry Medvedev announced a drive against corruption earlier this year — but with little visible result.

Clogged roads are a major problem in Moscow, home to at least 10 million people with another 10 million traveling into the city each day.

Road construction proceeds slowly, Nemtsov said, because the price is exorbitant compared to other countries.

Construction of Moscow's new, fourth ring road is expected to cost 7.4 billion rubles per kilometer ($380 million per mile), his study revealed.

Road construction in China, the United States and Europe hovers between $3 million and $6 million per kilometer (between $4.8 million and $9.6 million per mile), according to his report.

The average cost of road construction in Washington, for comparison, was $6.1 million per kilometer ($9.8 million per mile) in 2002, according to the U.S. capital's transportation department.

City Hall said the high costs are due to the demolition of residential housing in areas adjacent to the new ring road. The city has budgeted 13 billion rubles for the demolition, with 25.5 billion rubles to be spent on the construction proper. This, however, still puts the cost of one kilometer at an exorbitant $209 million per kilometer ($334 million per mile).

Nemtsov blamed a lack of competition.

"We should hold tenders open to all road companies from around the globe," he said. "The lack of competition leads to price hikes."

In the 1990s, Nemtsov served as governor of one of Russia's largest regions and then deputy prime minister under Russia's first post-Soviet president, Boris Yeltsin. He has since become a prominent opposition figure.

XIV Međunarodna Konferencija za borbu protiv korupcije (IACC)

XIV Međunarodna Konferencija za borbu protiv korupcije (IACC) će se održati u Bankoku, Tajland od 10-13. novembra 2010. na temu: Obnova povjerenja - globalnom akcijom do...

Izvještaji za Medije

XIV Međunarodna Konferencija za borbu protiv korupcije (IACC)

Konferencija predstavlja jedini događaj ovakve vrste koji okuplja sve eminentne stručnjake i uključuje sve inovacije u borbi protiv korupcije.

Posljedice finansijske krize, nesigurnost, te suočavanje sa ozbiljnim životnim problemima uveliko su povećale i stvorile pogodno tlo za korupciju. Data su mnoga obećanja, a obaveze se nisu ispoštovale.

Kako bi vratiti ljudima povjerenje u institucije, vlade će morati krenuti u konkretne akcije; privatni sektor mora prestati sa podmićivanjem i tako ispuniti svoju obavezu; civilno društvo mora zahtjevati veću odgovornost. Kako bi bili svi uspješni u rješavanju svojih obaveza, moraju sarađivati.

Na Konferenciji se očekuje preko 1500 učesnika iz 135 zemalja, okupljajući na jednom mjestu stručnjake, civilno društvo, ljude iz poslovnog okruženja te predstavnike vlada.

Savršen primjer korupcije

Nikolaj V. Gogolj, ruski pisac iz 19. vijeka jednom je rekao da njegova zemlja ima dva problema: puteve i...

Izvještaji za Medije

Savršen primjer korupcije

Corruption sting nabs Iraqi deputy minister

Iraq's deputy minister of transport has been arrested after investigators taped him taking a $100,000 bribe, the Iraqi Integrity Commission said...

Izvještaji za Medije

Corruption sting nabs Iraqi deputy minister

Uhapšen visoki dužnosnik Iračke vlade

Pomoćnik ministra za transport u Vladi Iraka uhapšen je nakon istrage u slučaju uzimanja mita u iznosu od 100.000 dolara, izjava Nezavisne agencije za sprječavanje korupcije...

Izvještaji za Medije

Uhapšen visoki dužnosnik Iračke vlade

Ova agencija navodi da je ovo prvi slučaj da je visoko pozicionirani vladin dužnosnik uhvaćen na djelu, tj. kada je davao mito. Obavjest o ovome slučaju se može pronaći na web sajtu ove agencije. VideoWatch more about Iraq's war against corruption »

Aqeel Kawthar, glasnogovornik Ministarstva za transport je izjavio da je vijest o hapšenju pomoćnika iznenadila cijelo ministarstvo, i da nije bilo nikakvih indicija o mogućoj korupciji prije ovog incidenta, te da ministar podržava sve akcije u cilju sprječavanja korupcije i rad nadležne Agencije.

Strana kompanija je ustupila informacije agenciji otkrivajući im da je al-Obaidi tražio mito u iznosu od 500.000 dolara kako bi im produžio/obnovio ugovor.

“Prema njihovom dogovoru pomoćnik ministra je trebao dobiti odmah puni iznos novca ali mu je u saradnji sa agencijom dato samo 100.000 dolara, a po sklapanju ugovora ostatak novca”, prema navodima Agencije. 

Glasnogovornik ministarstva je takođe izjavio da nije znao ko koordinira hapšenjem, te da je prije hapšenje glavni komesar informisao premijera Nuri al-Maliki.

“Ne želim da znam njegovo ime, nastavite sa hapšenjem…nije bitno da li je iz vladajuće alijanse, za mene je samo čovjek koji je uzeo mito…”. Agencija je objavila da je sam čin hapšenja snimljen te da će biti uskoro postavljen na web sajt.

“Hapšenje je izvedeno profesionalno uz učešće policije i nismo imali još nikakvih prigovora o ovom slučaju”, izjavio je glasnogovornik Agencije. “Operacija je trajala 56 sati i glavni istražilac je odigrao ključnu ulogu…te da Agencija nastavlja dalje sa operacijama”.

Prema izvještaju monitoring grupe Transparency International-a (TI), Irak je jedna od tri najkorumpiranje zemlje na svijetu zajedno sa Mijamarom i Somalijom.

Aktuelni izvještaj Transparency International-a navodi da je skoro polovina stanovništva morala platiti mito prošle godine.

Kada je reporter CNN razgovarao sa ljudima oni su priznali da bi za izdavanje ličnog dokumenta morali dati 40 dolara, te da za bilo koju uslugu u administaciji moraju platiti mito jer službenici neće uopšte da razgovaraju.

Taiwan court convicts former first lady of perjury

The wife and adult children of Taiwan's former president were convicted of perjury and sentenced to prison for lying to investigators in a high-profile corruption case against the...

Izvještaji za Medije

Taiwan court convicts former first lady of perjury

The wider case against former President Chen Shui-bian tests the Taiwanese government's resolve to crack down on corruption — and the credibility of its justice system.

Chen, 58, is accused of embezzling $3.15 million during his 2000-2008 presidency from a special presidential fund, receiving bribes worth at least $9 million in connection with a government land deal, and laundering some of the money through Swiss bank accounts.

Chen has pleaded not guilty and claims he is being persecuted for his anti-China views by his successor, Ma Ying-jeou.

Wu Shu-chen, his wife, was convicted Tuesday of perjury after a Taipei court ruled she asked her children to lie during the Chen investigation. In a statement, the Taipei District Court said Chen's son, daughter and son-in-law each received six-month sentences on perjury charges. All remain free on their own recognizance.

A businesswoman, Diana Chen, was sentenced to 18 months in prison for perjury. Prosecutors have accused her of bribing Wu for an executive position in a state-run securities firm, a charge she has denied.

Verdicts in the corruption case against Chen and Wu are expected Sept. 11. Prosecutors have said Chen could face life in prison if convicted on all counts, including embezzlement and bribe-taking.

If convicted, Wu faces lengthy jail terms on bribe-taking and money-laundering charges. She has denied those charges but pleaded guilty to forgery.

Chen has been held in a suburban Taipei detention center since last December. Judges have rejected his appeals for release on flight risks.

His successor has jettisoned Chen's pro-independence policies and improved relations with Beijing. Taiwan and China split amid civil war in 1949.

Zbog lažnog svjedočenja prva dama u zatvoru

Prva dama, dosadašnjeg tajvanskog predsjednika osuđena na kaznu zatvora zbog lažnog svjedočenja u slučaju protiv visoko-kriminlnih radnji u kojima je učestvovao nekadašnji...

Izvještaji za Medije

Zbog lažnog svjedočenja prva dama u zatvoru

Bez napretka u suzbijanju korupcije

Prema nalazima TI BiH-a, BiH nije postigla napredak u provođenju antikorupcijskih reformi, a aktivnosti na ovom polju se odvijaju bez stvarne političke volje i sistematskog...

Izvještaji za Medije

Bez napretka u suzbijanju korupcije

Bez napretka u suzbijanju korupcije

Sarajevo, 3. septembar 2009. — Prema nalazima TI BiH-a, BiH nije postigla napredak u provođenju antikorupcijskih reformi, a aktivnosti na ovom polju se odvijaju bez stvarne...

Izvještaji za Medije

Bez napretka u suzbijanju korupcije

Transparency International Bosne i Hercegovine (TI BIH) predstavio je u Sarajevu rezultate istraživanja sprovedenih u okviru projekta „Promovisanje antikorupcijskih reformi”. Ovom prilikom predstavljen je prvi Monitoring implementacije i zagovaranja antikorupcijskih standarda, kao i rezultati drugog Kvartalnog istraživanja percepcije građana o korupciji u Bosni i Hercegovini, koji su upoređeni sa rezultatima dobijenim iz prvog kvartala. Na prezentaciji su se prisutnima obratili NJ.E. Jan Braathu, ambasador Kraljevine Norveške u BiH, uz čiju podršku se provodi ovaj projekat, kao i predstavnici TI BiH,  zajedno sa stručnjacima koji su učestvovali u istraživanju i izradi studije nastale kao rezultat istraživanja.

U okviru Monitoringa implementacije i zagovaranja antikorupcijskih standarda, TI BiH  je pratio antikorupcijske aktivnosti u najosjetljivijim oblastima, prije svega kroz praćenje napretka zakonodavne i izvršne vlasti u provođenju antikorupcijskih aktivnosti, procesuiranja korupcije pred sudovima i tužilaštvima, izmjena zakonskog okvira i primjene Zakona o sukobu interesa, finansiranju političkih stranaka i Izbornog zakona, funkcionisanja službi za reviziju javnog sektora, kao i policijskih i obavještajno-sigurnosnih agencija, te izmjena Zakona o javnim nabavkama.
Osnovni nalazi ukazuju na to da BiH nije ostvarila napredak u borbi protiv korupcije, te da su antikorupcijske aktivnosti još uvijek nekoordinisane i bez stvarne političke volje i sistematskog pristupa. Procesuiranje korupcije pred sudovima i tužilaštvima u BiH je otežano i bez snažnijeg efekta, s obzirom na to da koruptivna krivična djela uglavnom ostaju nekažnjena ili se završavaju uslovnom kaznom. Izborni zakon nema adekvatne mehanizme za otkirvanje nezakonitog bogaćenja izabranih zvaničnika, dok Zakon o sukobu interesa,  dozvoljava zvaničnicima koji su ga prekršili obavljanje javne funkcije u cijelom izbornom periodu, što je jasan pokazatelj da je u BiH još uvijek ostavljeno dovoljno prostora za korupciju na najvišim nivoima. Ovo su samo neki od nalaza koji se, zajedno sa opširnijijim podacima i analizom mogu pronaći u studiji pod nazivom „Monitoring provođenja antikorupcijskih reformi u BiH“, koja je takođe ovom prilikom predstavljena javnosti.
"BiH nije postigla napredak u provođenju antikorupcijskih reformi i, nažalost, prema relevantnim istraživnjima percipirana je kao najkorumpiranija zemlja regiona“, naglasio je Emir Đikić, predsjedavajući Odbora direktora TI BiH, i dodao da "iako su u posljednje vrijeme započete aktivnosti na usvajanju zakona o antikorupcionoj agenciji i usvajanju strategije za borbu protiv korupcije, obzirom da je izgubljeno jako mnogo vremena, neophodno je uložiti dodatne napore kako bi se ovi procesi okončali što prije."
Stavovi građana, sudeći prema rezultatima drugog Kvartalnog istraživanja percepcije građana o korupciji u BiH koje je rađeno na reprezentativnom uzorku građana na prostoru cijele države, ne odstupaju mnogo od nalaza Monitoringa. Građani BiH, kao i u prvom intervalu istraživanja, i dalje smatraju da je korupcija najprisutnija  u procesu privatizacije i u političkim strankama, dok SIPA-u procjenjuju kao instituciju u kojoj je korupcija najmanje prisutna. Ispitanici još uvijek najčešće navode da su im ljekari ili medicinsko osoblje tražili mito (novac, poklon ili uslugu) za rješavanje nekog problema, dok su na drugom mjestu još uvijek policajci. Zanimljiv je podatak da su u ove svrhe ispitanici prosječno dali 247 KM ljekaru ili medicinskom osoblju, te 27 KM policajcu. Prosječan iznos mita datog od strane ispitanika najveći je u slučajevima plaćanja univerzitetskih profesora (437 KM).

Većina ispitanika smatra da je Zakon o sukobu interesa neefikasan, dok je samo polovina ispitanika čula za Zakon o slobodi pristupa informacijama, a velika većina njih nikada se nije na njega pozvala i tražila informacije od vlasti. Takođe, velika većina ispitanika ističe problem korupcije pri zapošljavanju, a alarmantan je i podatak da više od polovine ispitanika (57%) lično poznaje osobu  za koju je sigurna da je dobila posao „preko veze ili štele“ u nekim od opštinskih, kantonalnih, entitetskih ili državnih ustanova, organizacija ili javnih preduzeća.

Rezultati drugog Kvartalnog istraživanja jasno ukazuju ja na to da su građani još uvijek nezadovoljni naporima koje sadašnja vlast ulaže u borbu protiv korupcije, da ne vide napredak na ovom polju, te da su itekako svjesni prisustva korupcije u svim sferama javnog života u BiH, kao i njenih posljedica po društvo. TI BiH je tokom prezentacije izrazio nadu da će nalazi ovog istraživanja, odnosno stavovi grđana, konačno uticati na predstavnike vlasti u BiH da ozbiljnije shvate problem korupcije i istinski se uhvate u koštac sa ovim problemom, vodeći se glasom javnosti.

Drugo kvartalno istraživanje

No progress in fighting corruption

Sarajevo, September 3, 2009 —According to TI BiH findings, BiH has nor achieved any progress in implementing anti-corruption reforms, and activities in this field are carried...

Izvještaji za Medije

No progress in fighting corruption

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BIH) presented in Sarajevo the results of research carried out within the project “Promoting anti-corruption reforms”. In this occasion, the first Monitoring of implementation and advocacy of anticorruption standards, as well as the results of the second Quarterly corruption perceptions research were presented, and compared with the results gained from the first quarterly research. At the presentation, the attendants were addressed by H.E. Jan Braathu, the ambassador of Kingdom of Norway, under whose support the project is being implemented, as well as TI BiH representatives, together with the experts who participated in the research and the study, that resulted from the research.

Within the Monitoring of implementation and advocacy of anti-corruption standards, TI BiH has monitored anti-corruption activities in most sensitive areas, above all through following the progress of legislative and executive authorities in implementing anti-corruption activities, processing of corruption in courts and prosecution, changes in legal framework and the implementation of Law on conflict of interests, financing of political parties and the Election Law, functioning of public sector auditing agencies, as well as the police and intelligence-security agencies, and the changes in Public Procurement Law. 
The main findings indicate that BiH has not accomplished any progress in fighting against corruption, and that anti-corruption activities are still uncoordinated and with no real political will and systematic approach. Processing corruption in courts and prosecution in BiH is difficult and with no significant effect, since the criminal acts of corruption remain unpunished or end up with probation. The Election Law does not have adequate mechanisms for revealing unlawful beneficiation of elected representatives, while the Law on conflict of interests allows the officials who broke the Law to continue with their mandate through the whole election period, which is a clear indication that in BiH there is still enough space for corruption on highest levels. These are some of the findings which, together with more detailed facts and analyses can be found in the study named “Monitoring of implementation of anti-corruption reforms in BiH”, which was also presented to the public.  
“BiH has not achieved progress in implementing anti-corruption reforms and, unfortunately, according to a number of relevant research, it is perceived as the most corrupt country in the region”, emphasised Mr. Emir Djikic, the Chair of TI BiH Board of Directors, and added that “although in the last period there has been some action in adopting laws on anti-corruption agency and adopting an anti-corruption strategy, considering that a lot of time has been lost, it is necessary to invest additional efforts in order for these processes to be completed as soon as possible.”  
Citizens’ views, according to the results of the second Quarterly corruption perceptions research in BiH, which was carried out on a representative sample across the whole country, do not defer much from the Monitoring findings. BiH citizens, as was the case in the first research interval, still think that corruption is most present in the privatization process and in political parties, while they see SIPA as an institution which is least corrupt. The citizens still point out to doctors or other members of medical staff as those who most often ask for bribe (money, gifts or a favour) for solving a problem, while the second place is taken by police officers. An interesting fact is that, for these purposes, citizens in average gave 247 KM to a doctor or other member of medical staff, and 27 KM to a police officer. The average sum of bribe is the highest in cases of bribing university professors (437 KM).

The majority of citizens included in the survey think that the Law on conflict of interests is inefficient, while only half of them heard of the Law on freedom of access to information, of which the overwhelming majority had never referred to and never asked for information from the authorities. Additionally, a great majority of citizens emphasise the problem of corruption in employment procedures, and what is alarming is the fact that more than half of those questioned (57%) personally knows a person of which they are certain that they were employed through connections or nepotism in some municipal, cantonal, entity or state institutions, organisations or public companies.

The results of the second Quarterly research clearly show that citizens are still dissatisfied by the efforts that the authorities invest in fighting against corruption, that they do not see any progress in this field, and that they are surely aware of the presence of corruption in all spheres of social life in BiH, as well as its consequences to the society. TI BiH expressed their hope at the presentation that the findings of this research, i.e. citizens’ views, will finally influence the government representatives in BiH to take the problem of corruption more seriously and truly engage in solving this problem, led by the voice of public.


Corruption convention

Seven days of government negotiations in Vienna have failed to resolve differences over the establishment of an implementation review mechanism for the UN Convention against...

Izvještaji za Medije

Corruption convention

Ugroženi pregovori zbog nerješenih pitanja  kontrole nadgledanja UN Konvencije

Sedmodnevni pregovori vlada u Beču neuspješno završeni zbog razlika u preporukama za nadgledanje UN Konvencije (UNCAC). Neuspjeh bečkih pregovora zbog prepreka i nesuglasica o...

Izvještaji za Medije

Ugroženi pregovori zbog nerješenih pitanja  kontrole nadgledanja UN Konvencije

TI BiH organizuje prezentaciju monitoringa primjene antikorupcijskih standarda i drugog kvartalnog istraživanja stavova građana o korupciji

Monitoring implementacije mjera za suzbijanje korupcije analizira napredak zakonodavne, izvršne i sudske vlasti u provodenju antikorupcijskih aktivnosti, dok se u drugom...

Izvještaji za Medije

TI BiH organizuje prezentaciju monitoringa primjene antikorupcijskih standarda i drugog kvartalnog istraživanja stavova građana o korupciji

Vlada El Salvadora sigurnim koracima do transparentnosti

Vlada Salvadora potpisala sporazum o zajedničkom učešću u borbi protiv korupcije te učestale prakse podmićivanja u sektoru...

Izvještaji za Medije

Vlada El Salvadora sigurnim koracima do transparentnosti

Trader faces trial over alleged $7B fraud

The French trader accused of a multi-billion-dollar fraud at banking giant Societe Generale will go on trial next year, a lawyer for the bank said Tuesday. Jerome Kerviel will...

Izvještaji za Medije

Trader faces trial over alleged $7B fraud

He faces a penalty of up to five years in prison and a fine of up to €375,000 euros ($538,000), Veil said. The bank also will ask that Kerviel reimburse them for almost 5 billion euros ($7.1 billion), "which probably he will not pay," Veil said.

The trial is expected to start in the first half of 2010, perhaps in May or June, Veil said. It will take place at the Tribunal de Grande Instance in Paris, he said.

Kerviel, who is now free on bail, was arrested last year after Societe Generale unveiled trading losses of more than $7.2 billion. The bank attributed the losses to fraud by Kerviel, who traded European index futures for the bank.

Kerviel is the only one charged in the case. His assistant, Thomas Mougard, was cleared of charges Monday, Veil said.

Societe Generale believes Kerviel alone was responsible for the losses, which the bank announced in January 2008. Kerviel maintains he was not acting alone, Veil said.

"The decision of the (court) confirms 100 percent the complaint of the bank, and that Kerviel was alone when he organized this massive fraud and that he was acting completely out of his (own accord)," Veil told CNN.

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