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Armenian PM Accuses Transport Ministry Of Corruption

Prime Minister Tigran Sarkisian called for an end to bribery in the construction...

Izvještaji za Medije

Armenian PM Accuses Transport Ministry Of Corruption

Korupcija napreduje, a BiH stoji u mjestu

Izvještaj o napretku BiH za 2009. pokazao da su napori na polju borbe protiv korupcije nedovoljni, da se antikorupcioni zakoni ne primjenjuju, zbog čega građani BiH još uvijek...

Izvještaji za Medije

Korupcija napreduje, a BiH stoji u mjestu

Corruption progressing, BiH goes nowhere

Banja Luka, October 15 2009. – Progress Report 2009 for BiH showed that anti-corruption efforts have been insufficient, anti-corruption laws are not being implemented,...

Izvještaji za Medije

Corruption progressing, BiH goes nowhere

According to the latest European Commission's Progress Report, Bosnia and Herzegovina has not yet achieved any significant progress in the fight against corruption. Fight against corruption and implementation of anti-corruption standards are one of the conditions that BiH has not met in order for the liberalization of visa regime to be adopted.
Although the new anti-corruption strategy that is still in the parliamentary procedure has been adopted, the fact is that the previous strategy for the fight against organizes crime and corruption did not show any results, since it was not adequately implemented. It was the very insufficient implementation of legal framework, as well as the disharmony between domestic legislation and international standards, that were emphasised as the largest obstacles on BiH's road to European Union.
As additional obstructions, the Report underlines the rejection of the amendments to the State-level Law on Financing of Political Parties aimed at increasing transparency, as well as the fact that although elected public officials at State and Entity level are required to submit information on their assets or involvement in other institutions, there is no effective monitoring of declarations of assets and no effective sanctions are provided for. Additionally, it was emphasized that implementation of the Freedom of Access to Information Act is insufficient, which makes the efforts of media and NGOs investigating corruption more difficult. Threats to all those who try to reveal cases of corruption continued, without adequate legal provisions for the protection of civil servants reporting corruption.

The report also points out to the problem of judiciary that is inert when it comes to investigation, prosecution and conviction of suspects of high-level cases of corruption, especially having in mind the persistent lack of final convictions.

As a conclusion, corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina is prevalent in all areas, especially within government and other State and Entity structures, linked to public procurement, business licensing, in the health, energy, transportation infrastructure and education sectors.

European Commission Progress Report confirms all previous findings and warnings from Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina, which TI BiH also emphasised during the consultations with European Commission. The fact is that in the meantime a minimal progress was achieved in terms of adopting the Law on anti-corruption agency and anti-corruption strategy. However, these documents are still in parliamentary procedure and it is yet to be seen how they will be implemented. The creation of these documents has already wasted too much precious time, the processes were procrastinated, because of which the terms for the liberalization of visa regime have not been met, and the greatest damage was brought upon the citizens again.
The Progress Report points out to the same problems, year after year, of which corruption is one of the most distinctive, and in each report BiH makes either „insufficient“ or „minimal“ progress, which is a direct consequence of the lack of political will for the fulfilment of European Union anti-corruption standards. It is for this reason that BiH goes nowhere and the only thing that is progressing is corruption.  

Korupcija napreduje, a BiH stoji u mjestu

Banja Luka, 15. oktobar 2009. -- Izvještaj o napretku BiH za 2009. pokazao da su napori na polju borbe protiv korupcije nedovoljni, da se antikorupcioni zakoni ne primjenjuju,...

Izvještaji za Medije

Korupcija napreduje, a BiH stoji u mjestu

Prema posljednjem izvještaju Evropske komisije o napretku, Bosna i Hercegovina još uvijek nije postigla značajan napredak na polju borbe protiv korupcije. Upravo je borba protiv korupcije i primjena antikorupcijskih standarda jedan od uslova koje BiH nije ispunila za liberalizaciju viznog režima.

Iako je usvojena nova strategija za borbu protiv korupcije, koja se još uvijen nalazi u parlamentarnoj proceduri, činjenica je da prethodna strategija za borbu protiv organizovanog kriminala i korupcije nije dala nikakve rezultate, s obzirom na to da nije adekvatno primjenjivana. Upravo su nedovoljna primjena zakonskog okvira, te neusklađenost između entiteta, kao i neusklađenost domaćih zakona sa međunarodnim standardima, navedeni kao najveće prepreke BiH na putu ka Evropskoj uniji.

Kao  dodatne kočnice u izvještaju se navode i odbijanje izmjena Zakona o finansiranju političkih partija, koje je trebalo da povećaju transparentnost ovih procesa, ta činjenica da, iako su javni zvaničnici obavezni podnositi izvještaje o imovini i angažmanima u drugim institucijama, ne postoje mehanizmi za provjere ovih izvještaja, kao ni sankcije za kršenje zakona. Takođe, naglašeno je i da se Zakon o slobodi pristupa informacijama nedovoljno primjenjuje, što otežava rad medija i nevladinih organizacija koji istražuju slučajeve korupcije. Još uvijek su izražene prijetnje svima koji pokušavaju objavljivati slučajeve korupcije, a koji pri tome nisu pravno zaštićeni.

Izvještaj o napretku ističe i problem pravosuđa koje je inertno u pogledu istraživanja, procesuiranja i presuda za slučajeve korupcije na višim nivoima, naročito imajući u vidu da i slučajevi koji dospiju pred sud ne dočekaju razrješenje ili presudu.

Kao zaključak, ističe se prisutnost korupcije u svim oblastima, naročito unutar vlada i državnih i entitetskih institucija, posebno u oblastima javnih nabavki, osnivanja i registracije preduzeća, saobraćajne infrastruikture i obrazovanja.

Izvještaj o napretku Evropske komisije potvrđuje sve dosadašnje nalaze i upozorenja Transparency International BiH, na koje je TI BiH ukazao i tokom konsultacija sa Evropskom komisijom.  Istina, u međuvremenu je postignut minimalan napredak, u smislu usvajanja zakona o antikorupcijskom tijelu, te strategije za borbu protiv korupcije. Međutim, ovi dokumenti su  još uvijek u parlamentarnoj proceduri i još uvijek ostaje da se vidi na koji način će biti primjenjivani. Činjenica je i da je njihova izrada oduzela suviše dragocjenog vremena, da su procesi odugovlačeni, zbog čega nisu ispunjeni uslovi za liberalizaciju viznog režima, a najveću štetu opet su pretrpjeli građani.

Izvještaj o napretku iz godine u godinu upozorava na iste probleme, među kojima je korupcija jedan od najizraženijih, a BiH u svakom izvještaju ostvaruje „nedovoljan“ ili „minimalan“  napredak, što je direktna posljedica nedostatka političke volje za ispunjavanje antikorupcijskih standarda Evropske unije. Upravo zbog toga, BiH stoji u mjestu, a jedino što napreduje jeste korupcija.

Tackling the integrity deficit: moving beyond the crisis

Leading experts and advocates from around the world will meet in Berlin this week to discuss the root causes of the global crisis and ways to instil transparency and...

Izvještaji za Medije

Tackling the integrity deficit: moving beyond the crisis

The conference, “Beyond the global crisis: The transparency imperative”, will be attended by representatives from TI national chapters from some 90 countries who will be in Berlin for the organisation’s annual membership meeting.

Hvatanje u koštac sa manjkom integriteta: Izlazak iz krize

Vodeći eksperti i advokati širom svijeta srešće se u Berlinu kako bi diskutovali o problemu globalne krize i putevima za uspostavljanje odgovornosti, veće transparentnosti i...

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Hvatanje u koštac sa manjkom integriteta: Izlazak iz krize

Konferenciji koja će se održati u Berlinu prisustvovaće Emir Đikić, Predsjedavajući Odbora direktora TIBiH i Srđan Blagovčanin, Izvršni direktor Transparency International Bosne i Hercegovine.

Istraživanje pokazalo visok stepen korupcije

Na osnovu istraživanja velikog broja građana Češke koji su svjedočili o korupciji te dobivenih rezultata, snažno su pomjerili vladine odluke u cilju spriječavanja korupcije...

Izvještaji za Medije

Istraživanje pokazalo visok stepen korupcije

Corruption conference

The UNCAC Coalition is extremely concerned about reports that the Russian Federation has taken steps to block attendance of a Georgian NGO at an upcoming UN meeting on corruption....

Izvještaji za Medije

Corruption conference

The UN meeting, held biennially, brings together governments signatory to the UNCAC to discuss follow-up activities and processes. The two previous meetings took place in 2006 and early 2008 and the next one will be held in Doha from 9 to 13 November 2009. No NGO has ever been excluded from the Conference of States Parties due to an objection from a government, although in the past an objection was made and then withdrawn.

“If this objection stands, it will set a dangerous precedent” said Vincent Lazatin of the Transparency and Accountability Network in the Philippines, a Coalition organisation that was the target of the previous government objection ahead of the first conference on the convention. “It would suggest that arbitrary objections could be made.”

The collective global efforts to fight corruption envisaged by UNCAC are seriously threatened by any political or otherwise unfounded objection to the attendance at the UNCAC Conference of States Parties of any civil society organisation. UNCAC's Article 13 specifically recognises an important role for civil society and NGOs in the fight against corruption and calls for their involvement as well their access to government information.

The rules of procedure adopted by governments for intergovernmental UNCAC meetings, allow objection by a state party. No reason has to be given nor does the UN have to reveal which government is objecting. This is at odds with a convention that calls for transparency, accountability and civil society participation in anti-corruption efforts.

The Coalition calls for the objection to be withdrawn and for steps to be taken to ensure that NGOs will not be excluded on the basis of arbitrary objections. The Coalition will be writing to governments to obtain views on this subject.

Gruzijska NVO blokirana u učešću na UN Konferenciji protiv korupcije

Koalicija UNCAC je ozbiljno zabrinuta povodom objavljenog izvještaja Gruzijske NVO o stanju korupcije, u kome se navodi da je Ruska Federacija blokirala namjere ove organizacije...

Izvještaji za Medije

Gruzijska NVO blokirana u učešću na UN Konferenciji protiv korupcije

Survey spotlights high level of corruption in Czech society

A wide scale poll has revealed that most Czechs have witnessed corruption. The survey results come hard on the heels of moves by corruption watchdogs to push the current caretaker...

Izvještaji za Medije

Survey spotlights high level of corruption in Czech society

TI BiH zahtijeva transparentan proces izrade Zakona o sukobu interesa

Neophodno je na odgovarajuci način definisati situacije u kojima postoji sukob interesa, te način i pravila postupanja institucija koje provode zakon, kao i pooštriti sankcije...

Izvještaji za Medije

TI BiH zahtijeva transparentan proces izrade Zakona o sukobu interesa

TI BiH demands a transparent process of developing the Law on Conflict of Interests

Banja Luka, October 8th 2009. – It is necessary to adequately define situations where there is conflict of interests and procedural rules for institution that implement the Law,...

Izvještaji za Medije

TI BiH demands a transparent process of developing the Law on Conflict of Interests

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) welcomes the initiative and efforts in drafting the Law on Conflict of Interests, seeing it as a very important opportunity for improve the legal solutions, having in mind enormous previous problems in the implementation of the Law on Conflict of Interests

It is especially important to adequately define situations where there is conflict of interests and procedural rules for institutions implementing the Law. It is also necessary to tighten the sanctions for persons violating the law, since the former penal policy was inadequate and did not satisfy fundamental conditions that would enable a general prevention of conflict of interests

Having in mind that some key anti-corruption laws are in the parliamentary procedure, especially the Law on Agency for the Prevention of Corruption and Coordination of the Fight against Corruption, it is necessary to ensure consistency of the legal framework that regulates prevention and fight against corruption.

TI BiH will demand from relevant institutions to ensure transparency in the process of developing the Law on Conflict of Interests, through public debate and the inclusion of expert stakeholders in the process of its development. Bearing in mind that this is one of key anti-corruption laws in the country, whose previous application was not satisfactory, it is necessary to include all interest parties in the process of developing the Law, in order for the quality of proposed legal solutions to be as high as possible, and in order to ensure their consistent implementation.

TI BiH zahtijeva transparentan proces izrade Zakona o sukobu interesa

Banja Luka, 8. oktobar 2009. – Neophodno je na odgovarajući način definisati situacije u kojima postoji sukob interesa, te način i pravila postupanja institucija koje...

Izvještaji za Medije

TI BiH zahtijeva transparentan proces izrade Zakona o sukobu interesa

Transparency International Bosne i Hercegovine (TI BiH) pozdravlja inicijativu i napore na izradi novog Zakona o sprečavanju sukoba interesa u BiH, smatrajući da je jako važno iskoristiti ovu priliku da se unaprijede zakonska rješenja, imajući u vidu ogromne probleme u implementaciji zakona o sukobu interesa u prethodnom periodu.

Posebno je važno na odgovarajući način definisati situacije u kojima postoji sukob interesa, te način i pravila postupanja institucija koje provode zakon. Takođe je neophodno pooštriti sankcije za lica koja krše zakon, jer je dosadašnja kaznena politika bila neodgovarajuća i nije zadovoljavala osnovne uslove koji bi osigurali generalnu prevenciju sukoba interesa.

Imajući u vidu da se u parlamentarnoj proceduri nalaze i neki od ključnih antikorupcionih zakona, naročito zakon o agenciji za prevenciju korupcije i koordinaciju borbe protiv korupcije, potrebno je osigurati konzistentost zakonskog okvira koji reguliše sprečavanje i borbu protiv korupcije.

TI BiH će od nadležnih institucija zahtijevati osiguravanje transparentosti procesa izrade Zakona o sukobu interesa, kroz provođenje javne rasprave, te uključivanje stručne javnosti u proces njegove izrade. Obzirom da se radi o jednom od ključnih antikorupcionih zakona u zemlji, čija se dosadašnja primjena  nije odvijala na zadovoljavajući način, u proces izrade Zakona neophodno je uključiti sve zainteresovane strane, kako bi kvalitet predloženih zakonskih rješenja bio na što višem nivou, te kako bi se olakšala njihova dosljedna primjena.  

New Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Wednesday he would make the fight against corruption a priority.

Papandreou, 57, was sworn in as the country's new Prime Minister on Tuesday, after his Socialist opposition party PASOK won a majority of 160 seats in the 300-seat parliament in...

Izvještaji za Medije

New Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou said on Wednesday he would make the fight against corruption a priority.

Grčki premijer se obavezao da će se boriti protiv korupcije

Grčki premijer George Papandreou je izjavio kako će borba protiv korupcije biti prioritet u radu vlade. Papandreou (57) je novoizabrani premijer, nakon što je njegova...

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Grčki premijer se obavezao da će se boriti protiv korupcije

BAE Systems očekuje konačnu odluku

Pozdravljamo napore i snažnu akciju Kancelarije za teške prevare (SFO) i očekujemo da će Glavni tužilac odobriti tužbu u slučaju BEA Systems, što bi poslalo snažnu...

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BAE Systems očekuje konačnu odluku

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