Izvještaji za Medije

Ministar obrazovanja Kine smijenjen

Na osnovu mnogobrojnih kritika na rad ministra obrazovanja, Vlada Kine smijenila ministra i postavila njegovog...

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Ministar obrazovanja Kine smijenjen

Facing rising criticism over the quality of schools and a crush of jobless college graduates

China’s legislature announced Monday that it had removed the minister of education after six years on the job and replaced him with a...

Izvještaji za Medije

Facing rising criticism over the quality of schools and a crush of jobless college graduates

Junaci stripova u borbi protiv korupcije

Cilj zbirke je da mladi ljudi postanu svjesni siromaštva u ostalim...

Izvještaji za Medije

Junaci stripova u borbi protiv korupcije

Dodging the graft

With financial sector losses being counted in the trillions, it is easy to lose sight of the mere hundreds of billions slushing down the drain of corruption every year. So...

Izvještaji za Medije

Dodging the graft

Strip heroes fight against corruption

Anthology aims to make young people angry at the world's abuses of...

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Strip heroes fight against corruption

BiH Court accepted another TI BiH appeal against CEC

Bank of FBiH Banja Luka, November 12 2009 — BiH Court accepted TI BIH appeal against Central Election Commission BiH in the case of Ramiz Dzaferovic, CEO of Development Bank...

Izvještaji za Medije

BiH Court accepted another TI BiH appeal against CEC

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the appeal by the Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) filed against the Central Election Commission, which has several times refused to issue a decision on the existence of a conflict of interest in the case of Ramiz Dzaferovic, Board President of the Development Bank of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Transparency International several times submitted the request to the CEC due to the existence of conflict of interests in the case of Ramiz Dzaferovic, who is in addition to being CEO of Development Bank, also the owner of the private company “Dzaferovic” which  performed audit services for companies for which this bank approved loans. CEC, however, informed TI BiH repeatedly that there was no basis for proceedings on the TI BiH request, although CEC was by the law obliged to issue the official solution on this case. Because of the persistent refusal of the CEC to make official decision, TI BiH has filed an appeal with the Court of BiH, which the Court adopted and ordered the CEC issue a decision on the existence of a conflict of interest in the case of Mr. Dzaferovic within 15 days.

The decision of the Court states that failure to adopt appropriate act by the CEC “prevents members of the NGO sector to request a judicial assessment of their ways interpreting the regulations. Also, CEC repeated refusal to act upon the request, and the law, has shown that it is not effective in performing its roles, and that it is very questionable whether its actions are aimed at protecting the interests of citizens, or the interests of individuals upon whose conflict, or its existence, this body decides. The justification of spending taxpayers’ money on court cases of the Central Election Commission is also very questionable, bearing in mind a series of disputes against the Commission in the last period that this institution lost in court.

Transparency International BiH hopes that the CEC will after the Court’s decision finally act according to the law and render a decision in the case of Mr. Dzaferovic, even though this institution has shown in its previous work that it is more prone to the legalization of conflict of interest than its eradication.  

Jacques Chirac ordered to stand trial on corruption charges

Former French president vows to fight allegations that as mayor of Paris he paid cronies for non-existent jobs Jacques Chirac, the former French president, has been ordered to...

Izvještaji za Medije

Jacques Chirac ordered to stand trial on corruption charges

Bivši francuski predsjednik obavezao se da će pobiti optužbe da je kao gradonačelnik Pariza plaćao bliskim prijateljima obavljanje nepostojećih poslova

Jacques Chirac, bivšem francuskom predsjedniku zakazano suđenje za pronevjeru, plaćanja nepostojećih poslova bliskim...

Izvještaji za Medije

Bivši francuski predsjednik obavezao se da će pobiti optužbe da je kao gradonačelnik Pariza plaćao bliskim prijateljima obavljanje nepostojećih poslova

Usvajanje novog Zakona o sukobu interesa BiH političko nasilje

TI BiH će uputiti apel svim domaćim i međunarodnim institucijama da se spriječi političko nasilje i diskriminaciju građana BiH i iskoristiti sva pravna sredstva da se...

Izvještaji za Medije

Usvajanje novog Zakona o sukobu interesa BiH političko nasilje

Corruption: What will they decide?

As part of its response to the persistent economic crisis, the G20 called in September for the adoption, this year, of an effective, transparent and inclusive review mechanism for...

Izvještaji za Medije

Corruption: What will they decide?

Adoption of the new Law on conflict of interest in BiH – political violence

Sarajevo, October 28, 2009 – TI BiH will spread a message to all domestic and international institutions to prevent political violence and discrimination against BiH citizens...

Izvještaji za Medije

Adoption of the new Law on conflict of interest in BiH – political violence

The making process of the new Law on conflict of interests in institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina presents a dangerous attempt of ridiculing the notion of conflict of interests, and absolute deregulation of this area. The whole process was completely non-transparent, while Transparency International BiH has been unsuccessfully attempting in all ways to get information on the process of designing this law. It is necessary to organize a public debate on the Law proposal, considering that suggested legal solutions are catastrophic and directly aimed against public interest. Having in mind huge previous difficulties in the implementation of the current Law, it is absurd that the new Law introduces solutions that would make corruption legal, and liberate public officials entirely from any kind of responsibility when it comes to conflict of interests. TI BiH will therefore send the message to all domestic and international institutions to prevent political violence and discrimination against BiH citizens and use all legal resources to stop legalization of corruption.  

From the introductory chapters of the Law on conflict of interests, that define persons the law refers to, especially by narrowing the definition of relatives, it is evident that the intention was to relativize and ridicule the Law. The Law proposal enables public officials to be engaged in private companies without any restrictions , the private interests is put above the public interest, and instead of primarily protecting  the public interest, it leaves additional space for public officials to be concerned primarily with their own private interests in public service.

The article that proscribes that the procedure can be initiated only ex officio and that citizens would be deprived of that right that they have had by the current law is absolutely unacceptable. TI BiH considers this notion unacceptable, especially having in mind the Court’s verdict in the case TI BiH versus Nedzad Brankovic, as well as the Central Election Commission’s practice to arbitrarily make rules that are in collusion with valid legal regulations. The proposed provision of the new law deprives all other interested parties that previously submitted reports to CEC BiH, of remedy or the possibility of appeal and recourse to the Court of BiH. TI BiH considers that this solution is extremely dangerous because it directly discriminates potentially affected stakeholders. We remind that in all the respective legislation in the region, as well as the applicable law in BiH, there is a right of the third party to initiate the report of conflict of interest, as well as commitment of law enforcement organs to take appropriate action, or initiate proceedings on the basis of such applications.

The law is extremely lenient towards officials even when it comes to sanctions. Instead of tightening punitive policy regarding conflict of interest, with the aim of general prevention, the law provides only financial penalties for perpetrators. Relying solely on fines, seen in proportion to the possibilities that the proposed law gives to public officials for gaining enormous personal gain, presents only the symbolic satisfaction of justice, namely, the principle of fairness remains only an abstract notion.

Given all this, Transparency International BiH sees the proposal of the new Law on conflicts of interest in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina as absolutely unacceptable, since it is a law that directly stimulates and legalizes political corruption. TI BiH demands of competent institutions significantly more rigid approach to the development of new legal solutions, or to retain in force the existing law that, at least in formal terms, contributes more to preventing corruption in the country.

Hrvatska optužila bivšeg ministra odbrane za korupciju

Hrvatska otvara prvi put suđenje protiv vladinih zvaničnika u zemljama kandidatima za članstvo EU. Državni tužilac je izjavio (www.dorh.hr) da su sakupili dokaze protiv...

Izvještaji za Medije

Hrvatska optužila bivšeg ministra odbrane za korupciju

Usvajanje novog Zakona o sukobu interesa BiH političko nasilje

Sarajevo, 28. oktobar 2009. - TI BiH će uputiti apel svim domaćim i međunarodnim institucijama da se spriječi političko nasilje i diskriminaciju građana BiH i iskoristiti...

Izvještaji za Medije

Usvajanje novog Zakona o sukobu interesa BiH političko nasilje

Proces izrade novog Zakona o sprečavanju sukoba interesa u institucijama Bosne i Hercegovine predstavlja opasan pokušaj potpunog obesmišljavanja instituta sukoba interesa i potpunu deregulaciju ove oblasti. Proces izrade Zakona odvijao se u potpunosti netransparentno, dok je Transparency International BiH bezuspješno pokušavao na sve načine doći do informacija o procesu izrade ovog Zakona. Neophodno je održati javnu raspravu o prijedlogu Zakona, imajući u vidu da su predložena zakonska rješenja katastrofalna i kao takva direktno uperena protiv javnog interesa. Imajući u vidu dosadašnje ogromne probleme u implementaciji sadašnjeg Zakona, neshvatljivo je da novi Zakon uvodi rješenja koja će korupciju učiniti legalnom, a javne zvaničnike u potpunosti osloboditi bilo kakve odgvornosti po pitanju sukoba interesa. Stoga će TI BiH uputiti apel svim domaćim i međunarodnim institucijama da se onemogući političko nasilje i diskriminacija građana BiH i iskoristiti sva pravna sredstva da se spriječi legalizacija korupcije.

Već od uvodnih članova Zakona o sukobu interesa, koji definišu lica na koja se odnosi, posebno sužavanjem definicije srodnika jasna je namjera da se Zakon relativizuje i obesmisli. Prijedlog Zakona omogućava javnim zvaničnicima i da se nesmetano angažuju u privatnim preduzećima, privatni interes se pretpostavlja javnom, a umjesto da se prvenstveno štiti javni interes, ostavlja se dodatni prostor javnim zvaničnicima da se prvenstveno bave vlastitim privatnim interesima u javnoj službi.

Apsolutno je neprihvatljiva odredba koja predviđa pokretanje postupka samo po službenoj dužnosti, i da građani to pravo koje predviđa sadašnji zakon neće imati. Ovo stanovište TI BiH smatra nedopustivim, tim prije imajući u vidu presudu Suda BiH u predmetu TI BiH protiv Nedžada Brankovića, kao i dosadašnju praksu CIK BiH da samoinicijativno donosi pravila koja se kose sa važećim zakonskim odredbama. Predložena odredba novog Zakona lišava sve druge zainteresovane strane, koje su podnijele prijave CIK BiH, pravnog sredstva, odnosno mogućnosti žalbe i obraćanja Sudu BiH. TI BiH smatra da je ovakvo rješenje izuzetno opasno jer direktno diskriminiše potencijalno oštećene zainteresovane strane. Podsjećamo da u svim odnosnim zakonima u regionu, kao i u važećem Zakonu u BiH, postoji pravo treće strane da pokrene prijavu o sukobu interesa, kao i obaveza organa za provođenje zakona da po osnovu takve prijave preduzmu odgovarajuće radnje, odnosno pokrenu postupak.

Zakon je izuzetno blagonaklon prema zvaničnicima i kada su u pitanju sankcije. Umjesto da se pooštri kaznena politika po pitanju sukoba interesa u cilju generalne prevencije, Zakon predviđa samo novčane sankcije za počinioce. Oslanjanje isključivo na novčane kazne, posmatrano u srazmjeri sa mogućnostima koje prijedlog Zakona daje javnim zvaničnicima za sticanje ogromne lične dobiti, predstavlja tek simbolično zadovoljenje pravde, tačnije, o načelu pravičnosti se gotovo uopšte ne može govoriti.

Imajući u vidu sve navedeno, Transparency International BiH smatra apsolutno neprihvatljivim prijedlog novog Zakona o sprečavanju sukoba interesa u institucijama Bosne i Hercegovine, obzirom da se radi o zakonu koji direktno stimuliše i legalizuje političku korupciju. TI BiH zahtijeva od nadležnih institucija znatno rigidniji pristup izradi novog zakonskog rješenja,  ili zadržavanje na snazi postojećeg Zakona, koji barem u formalnom smislu značajno više doprinosi sprečavanju korupcije u zemlji.


Croatia Indicts Former Defense Minister For Corruption

Croatia has indicted a former defense minister for corruption, paving the way for the first anti-graft trial of a top government official in the European Union candidate country....

Izvještaji za Medije

Croatia Indicts Former Defense Minister For Corruption

Šta će odlučiti zemlje potpisnice UN Konvencije?

Kao odgovor na svjetsku ekonomsku krizu, članice G20 su u septembru pozvale da se usvoje efektivniji, transprentniji i inkluzivniji mehanizmi za praćenje UN Konvencije protiv...

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Šta će odlučiti zemlje potpisnice UN Konvencije?

U javnim zdravstvenim ustanovama korupcija u porastu

Razni načini koruptivnog ponašanja osiromašuju javne bolnice i klinike distrikta Kolombo, prema nedavnim istraživanjima. Cilj istraživanja je bio ukazivanje na loš kvalitet...

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U javnim zdravstvenim ustanovama korupcija u porastu

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