TI BiH filed a request for establishing the conflict of interest in the case of Prime Minister Dodik

29 Juna 2009

The Law on conflict of interests in government al institutions of Republika Srpska clearly proscribes that elected representatives are not allowed to use their position for the benefit of persons related to them, and that they must not privilege their relatives. In the case of Mr. Dodik, who is the president of the Credit Board that approved a loan to the company whose owner or co-owner is his son, it is clear that this is a case of the violation of the law on conflict of interests. Article 2 of the Law on conflict of interests in government al institutions of Republika Srpska states: “The conflict of interests exists in situations where an elected representative, a bearer of executive function, or an advisor has a private interest of such nature that it can influence their unbiased an objective exertion of duty”.

Prime Minister Dodik, in a twofold position as the head of the Bank’s assembly and the president of the credit board, although he was not present at the meeting when the loan was approved, was obligated to explain the reasons of the existence of possible conflict of interests, to the members of the Credit Board, which he had not done. Additionally, having in mind the fact that other members of the Credit Board are in a subordinate position in relation to Mr. Dodik, since they are members of the party that he presides, and ministers in the government of which he is a prime minister, it is clear that Mr. Dodik could have influence the Credit Board decision about the loan approval for his son, even if he was not present at the moment when the decision was made.

TI BiH expects that commission for establishing the conflict of interests in governmental institutions of RS will act according to the Law and make an adequate decision on this issue.

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