TI BiH organizuje dvodnevnu konferenciju o finansiranju stranaka i predizborne kampanje

28 Marta 2011

March 28, 2011 – Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) is organizing two-day conference on financing of political parties, where regional experiences of conducting and transparency of pre-electoral campaigns, along with revisions of Law on financing of political parties, will be discussed.

Conference will primarily focus on transparency and election campaign costs for previous general elections 2010. Findings of election campaign monitoring will be presented, along with international standards that were established in order to ensure transparency and accountability towards resources political parties are provided with. The second day of the conference will be dedicated to presentation of Crinis study findings – international research on transparency of political parties’ financing in BiH, on budget allocations for parties, transparency of funds expenditure and revisions of Law on political party finance inBiH.

The main goal of the conference is fostering dialogue between counterparts in the process of political parties’ financing, in order to achieve the solution for improving transparency in this field, and also to put pressure on institutions and representatives of the future Parliamentary assembly in order to adopt the amendments of the Law, which would require the parties to disclose donations they were given, along with introducing more strict penalties for violations of the Law.

Representatives of political parties, including elected representatives of BiH parliamentary Assembly, Central Election Commission, audit offices of Federation of BiH and Republic  ofSrpska, OSCE/ODIHR, civil society organizations form BiH and region, media etc. will be present at the conference. It will also be open for journalists/media and statements can be taken during the breaks, as listed in agenda.

Conference will be held on 29 and 30 of March at Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, starting at 1 p.m. on the first day and at 11 a.m. on the second day.

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