TIPNG says it is disgusting to read about the exposure of the Vice President of the National Alliance (NA) Mr James Kond receiving a substantial payment of K200,000 as a lobbyist

30 Septembra 2009

TIPNG says this case of blatant “cash for political access” on the part of carbon speculators is simply the ugly face of corporate lobbying in PNG. This buying of political patronage should not be tolerated by forest-owning communities, PNG’s people or the Government.

The public can rightfully ask how many more of these deals have been done, should we also be skeptical about dubious projects that have been pushed by the Government, involving the support given to certain mines, certain hotel developments, certain communications projects, even certain knighthoods that have been awarded TIPNG Chairman Peter Aitsi says, “While the Prime Minister may not have known of the actions of the NA’s Vice President, now that it has been made public he must make public what steps he will now take to ensure this type of "cash for political access" is stamped out and those individuals who have business interests are not allowed access to the dealings of government or be allowed to influence the policy consideration of government?”

This incident clearly highlights the compromising of our National interests by individuals who have political connections. They are selling our state assets with little regard to the long term benefit for our communities.

Mr Aitsi says “This incident is a real reflection of why we need an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) so that these types of politically linked business activities are able to be investigated fully, and where there is proof of wrong doing, the individuals in question can be prosecuted.

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