Berlin, 28 April 2008 – Promoting revenue transparency

Oil, gas and minerals, or the extractive industries generate great wealth. Oil export revenues for 2006 alone are estimated to make up approximately 1.8 percent of the...

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High revenues from the extractive industries have often fuelled corruption, economic stagnation, inequality and conflict. One step towards reversing this curse lies in the transparent and accountable management of revenues generated from the extractive industries.

What is the Promoting Revenue Transparency Project?

The Promoting Revenue Transparency Project is run by Transparency International in partnership with the Revenue Watch Institute, and builds on the work of the Save the Children UK ‘Beyond the Rhetoric’ report from 2005. The project aims at making extractive industries’ revenues of most benefit to society by increasing transparency and accountability of extractive industry revenues.

To achieve this purpose, the project provides robust standards for revenue transparency and tools to measure progress, encouraging companies and governments engaged in the extractive industries to improve transparency and accountability to citizens and investors.

The Promoting Revenue Transparency Project has three specific objectives which add value to existing revenue transparency initiatives:

To measure revenue transparency performance and diagnose areas for improvement.

To develop broad standards for revenue transparency.

To support the use of the revenue transparency standards and measures of performance by companies, rating agencies, investors, government regulators and civil society.

For more information visit:

Promoting Revenue Transparency Project website

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