Zagreb, 26 March 2008 – Croatia of keeping EU bid on track

Croatia is on course to begin its most demanding negotiations with the EU in three months' time and stick to its target date for membership, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said on...

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Our strongest motive is that we're doing this for the better life of our citizens, not just for the sake of satisfying the European Commission," Sanader told Reuters in an interview.

The Commission said this month Croatia could conclude entry talks by October 2009, which could allow membership by early 2011, if it pushes through all key reforms.

They include improving the inefficient public administration and judiciary, fighting corruption, reducing state subsidies and restructuring ailing industries such as shipbuilding.

By the end of June Croatia must set out clear plans on how to reform the judiciary and shipbuilding and take decisive action to reduce corruption.

Sanader said Croatia's economy was likely to suffer a post-accession shock similar to that experienced by other eastern European EU newcomers, but that it would pave the way for prosperity rather than ruin.

"Our reforms are aimed at making our companies competitive and I believe that most of them will be able to operate and successfully compete in the common market," Sanader said. 

Source: Reuters

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