Nairobi, 01 April 2008 – Vacuum in governance likely to fuel corruption

Transparency International-Kenya (TI-K) would like to express its alarm at the apparent vacuum in the governance structures and practice brought about by the sluggish progress in...

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"It is of grave concern for a country that has sustained extensive economic losses as occasioned by the post-election crisis to consider a bloated cabinet that would cost Kenyans an estimated Ksh. 4 billion annually." says Dr. Richard Leakey, Chair of TI-Kenya. He added that, "The war on corruption cannot be won unless a clean, lean and efficient government is put in place; the only consideration that should matter is the ability to manage the public resources in the most efficient, transparent and accountable manner to the citizenry".

TI-Kenya appreciates the philosophy upon which the peace accord was formulated, but the success of post-conflict structure depends on building governance infrastructure that is accountable, efficient and effective. "Without discounting the need to ensure inclusiveness, we note that positions granted on regional tribal and political affiliations have a tendency to erode the higher goal of public against narrow interests" says Dr. Leakey.

We would also like to remind the government that free access and flow of information is a human right and central component of the anti-corruption agenda and an expressed priority of this government. The present disquiet surrounding the Safaricom ownership and other corruption concerns would have been appropriately handled under such a law.

TI-K appeals to the 10th Parliament to prioritize the passage of the pending Freedom of Information Bill 2007. When enacted the law will create a legally enforceable right that will enable citizen monitoring and oversight to hold their leaders accountable and eliminate the culture of secrecy that encourages corruption.

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