Kyiv, 11 Apr 2007 – Ukrainian president demands more effective enforcement of anti-corruption laws

Ukrainian President Viktor Yuschenko has demanded that urgent steps be taken to guarantee more effective enforcement of anti-corruption laws. Yuschenko sent a respective letter...

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In his letter, the head of state noted that the analysis of the situation with fighting corruption in Ukraine shows a poor level of anti-corruption law observance. The president believes the Prosecutor General's Office has failed to conduct effective supervision over compliance with the law on combating corruption.

The president said Ukraine's law enforcement agencies were catching mostly petty offenders from local government, which discredits the work of the law enforcement agencies. Those officials are rarely punished and continue to perform their official duties despite criminal charges, and their impunity creates conditions for committing new corruption offences, he said.

Yuschenko believes the negligence of the country's law enforcement agencies helps corruption in Ukraine thrive, posing a threat to national security and the stability of democratic institutions.
The president asked Medvedko to personally inform him about results of the inspection.

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