Berlin, 18 June 2007 –Transparency International Discussion Paper on Poverty, Aid and Corruption

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Development assistance supports millions who struggle daily to survive. In 2006, donor countries gave almost US $104 billion in official development assistance to lower-income countries, a figure set to rise to US $130 billion by 2010. Ensuring that this aid is not diverted through corruption is the purpose of the Transparency International Discussion Paper on Poverty, Aid and Corruption.

The paper offers recommendations on how to make the most efficient use of development resources in anti-poverty programmes, and detailed recommendations for supporting recipient governments’ anti-corruption efforts and for tackling the supply-side of corruption.

The paper is the result of a series of consultations within the Transparency International movement, and reflects TI’s previous work, current discussion within the movement and debates in the wider development community. Poverty, aid and corruption is a complex subject; this paper is an effort to engage with it and to shape it.

download discussion paper (pdf)

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