Bali, Indonesia, 27-28 October 2007 – Transparency International Annual Membership Meeting

Transparency International (TI) holds its Annual Members Meeting (AMM) from 25-29 October in Bali, Indonesia, bringing together more than 200 delegates from over 90 national...

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Presence of Mr. Boris Divjak, Chair of Board of Directors of Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina, is expected at the Annual Members Meeting.

Transparency International has a unique organisational structure that allows it to maintain a strong connection to the issues at the local level, and that earns it a seat at the table of high level international conferences. More on TI’s internal structure below.

The AMM, hosted by TI's national chapter in Indonesia, will feature discussion on thematic issues such as poverty and development, political corruption, revenue transparency, civil society monitoring, corruption in defence and corruption in the judiciary as well as TI internal governance issues. Special focus: asset recovery

A range of events stretching over the five days will provide opportunities for the membership and regional departments, as well as smaller committees and groups with specialised interests to convene.

A range of events stretching over the five days will provide opportunities for the membership and regional departments, as well as smaller committees and groups with specialised interests to convene.

UNCAC monitoring. This will be followed by a plenary panel discussion on Saturday 27 October, entitled “How to get it back: the challenges of Asset Recovery”. The plenary will be chaired by TI Vice Chair Akere Muna, and will be composed of both TI internal and external experts. The plenary discussion will provide an opportunity to present the outcome of the TI Indonesia expert meeting from earlier in the week.

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