Studija percepcije korupcije – 2002
Studija percepcije korupcije u Bosni i Hercegovini je jedinstveni pokušaj nevladinog sektora da se uspostavi bazična dijagnostika ovog akutnog problema u društvu i da se stvori instrument za njeno kontinuirano praćenje.
Projekt je rezultirao stvaranjem baze podataka za cijelu zemlju, koja sadrži detaljne informacije o korupciji na svim nivoima vlasti, institucijama itd., gdje su građani dali svoju ocjenu u kojem je stepenu korupcija ukorijenjena u naše društvo i njihovo mišljenje kako se najefikasnije boriti protiv nje. Publikacija rezultata pred izbore 2002 godine je dio strategije Transparency International BiH da ukaže na dotadašnje greške onih koji su na vlasti i da nametne želju građana BiH da se u zemlju počne uvoditi vladavina zakona.The Corruption Perception Study in Bosnia and Herzegovina is a comprehensive attempt of the non-governmental sector to establish the basic diagnosis of this acute social problem, and to create an instrument for its continuous monitoring. The result of the project was creation of a data base for the whole country, that contains detailed information on sectors, level of government, institutions etc., where the citizens gave their judgment of the extent to which the corruption is rooted in the society, and their perception of the ways to confront it most efficiently.
Publishing of the results, particularly during the pre-election period 2002., is a part of the strategy employed by the Transparency International BiH (TI BiH), to point to those in power at their failures so far and impose the new agenda for the general elections and the wish of the citizens of BiH for their country to start introducing the rule of law, what had been awaited in vain for seven years now, since the cease of the war activities.
European Union
27.978,00 EUR
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