Promocija etike i borba protiv korupcije 2005

Plan aktivnosti – PILOT FAZA
Pilot predavanja o etici, vladavini prava i cijeni štete koju korupcija nanosi društvu organizovana kroz rad na Univerzitetima i srednjim školama (konkretno na pravnom Fakultetu i banjalučkoj Gimnaziji)
Istraživanje među profesorima, đacima i studentima o problemima korupcije u obrazovnom sektoru (Pravni fakultet Banjaluka i Gimnazija Banjaluka).
Izrada i distribucija obrazovnog udžbenika koji će biti korišten kroz predavanja kao zbir adekvatnih znanja, inicijativa, rezultata istraživanja, informacija, i pitanja o korupciji koja će pomoći profesorima da otvore dijalog sa svojim đacima i studentima o etici i problemima korupcije, i akterima civilnog društva u lokalnoj zajednici kako bi bolje razumjeli problem i pokrenuli anti-korupcione aktivnosti na lokalnom nivou
Promocija programa u okviru banjalučkih ljetnih igara 2005. Promocija uključuje organizovanje koncerta i anti-korupcionog performansa koji će biti pristupačni mlađoj populaciji s ciljem kreativnijeg pristupa problemu i jačanju predložene inicijative.

Project aims :
To develop anti-corruption programme and methodical recommendations for the universities students from six Bosnia and Herzegovina universities,
To introduce developed programme and methodical recommendations to the Ministries of Education at all the BiH governance levels,
To test anticorruption education strategies and methods at the universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina,
To support the programmes and standards of education by promoting democratic values and attitudes,
To demonstrate possibilities of fight against corruption,
To raise awareness among youth about the character, spread, and impact of corruption,
To establish networks facilitating the creation of a permanent international youth forum that ensures sustainability in the global fight against corruption by creatingm the next generation of corruption fighters,
To add new momentum to the existing anti-corruption movement.
Project objectives :

To train student’s and profesor’s further responsible for the dissemination activities,
To educate student’s about National Integrity System, and give the best input for political science, civic education, history, ethics, psychology and informations,
To introduce the concept of corruption, its causes and effects (knowledge),
Motivate student’s for the fight against corruption,
To lay the foundation for the recruitment of the next generation of corruption fighters by informing youth about the dangers of an omnipresent and unconstraint corruption for their future and showing them a way to contribute to initiatives that try to change this situation,
To endorse the creation of a youth-run global network against corruption that adds new impetus to existing anti-corruption initiatives through fresh and original perspectives and enthusiasm of the next generation,
To train them in possible counter measures through the participation in key workshops, online discussions and networks with civil society;,
To design an action plan together with student participants that steers follow-up initiatives and creates sustainable networks among youth, TI, universities, local and regional organizations.


The City of Banjaluka


10.000,00 BAM

Status projekta


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