“Accountability 2013”

TI BiH nastavlja sa implementacijom aktivnosti AC DC programa. AC DC program uključuje komponente analize i monitoringa  provođenja antikorupcijskih reformi u javnim institucija (državni i republički nivo), zastupanja i promocije antikorupcijskih reformi zasnovanih na identifikovanim problemima  uz stručnu podršku institucijama kojima je cilj jačanje postojećih kapaciteta za antikorupcijske reforme.

Projekat je nastavak dosadašnjih aktivnosti NED granta, obogaćen relevantnim znanjem i iskustvom u implementaciji ostalih dosadašnjih projektnih aktivnosti.

Ciljane grupe su svi građani BiH, kao i ostale interesne grupe (poslodavci, organizacije, institucije i Mediji) koje pomažu stvaranju “kritične mase” i dižu svoje glasove za reforme.

Osnovni cilj projekta je zahtjev za specifične reforme prema političkim partijama te njihovo uključivanje u sve relevantne radne planove, a sve u cilju veće institucionalne odgovornosti.

Specifični ciljevi

  1. Poboljšanje zakonskog okvira Zakona o sukobu interesa
  2. Jačanje institucija za provedbu Zakona o sukobu interesa
  3. Veća transparentnost i monitoring imovinskih kartona

The Accountability 2013 project will continue to be implemented as part of TI BiH’s overall programme activities within AC DC programme (Anticorruption/ Delivering Change). The AC DC programme includes components such as analysis and monitoring of public institutions (at the state and entity levels), advocacy and promotion of anticorruption reforms on the basis of the problems identified through analysis and monitoring, and provision of expert support to institutions with the aim to strengthen their capacities for implementation of anticorruption reforms.

The primary goal of the project is to put demands for specific reforms on the political agenda and enable their implementation by incorporating them into the relevant work plans of responsible institutions.

The proposed activities are continuation of the activities within the current NED grant, enriched with relevant knowledge and experience which implementation of the current project enabled.

The primary beneficiaries will remain the citizens of BiH, but also other stakeholders (all interested individuals, businesses, organisations, institutions and media) which already helped in building up a ‘critical mass’ and strong voice for reforms.

Specific objectives are:

  • Contribution to the improvement of the legislation regulating the issue of conflict of interest;
  • Improvement and strengthening of the implementation of legal provisions dealing with conflict of interest.
  • Contribution to the improvement of transparency and monitoring of assets declarations.



Vremenski okvir

od Februar 2013

do Januar 2014


50.000,00 USD

Status projekta


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