‘Open Parliament’
Sarajevo,7 September 2007 ---TI BiH will be organising a major debate on 27 September 2007 in Sarajevo (B&H), contributing to some of our corporate on-going efforts in the...

The subject is closely linked to the ‘failed states’ phenomenon, and governance and anti-corruption issues as some of its aspects, focusing in particular on the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Invited will be national and sub-national MPs, government officials, academia, media, relevant NGOs and interested international organisations’ representatives. This ‘Open Parliament’ discussion is aimed to stimulate further thoughts on state/capacity building on the road to the European integrations, with a particular emphasis on the rule of law and corruption issues, yet what is the underlining idea is to critically examine governance and development under international administrations.
09:30 – Welcome address: Boris Divjak, TI BiH Chair of BoD
09:40 – Opening of the Open parliament: Matthew Rycroft, UK Ambassador to BiH
10:00 – Keynote address: Prof. David Chandler: Transparent and accountable government – Road to state-building and to European perspectives
11:00 – Q&A and discussion – moderator Srdjan Blagovcanin, TI BiH Executive Director
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Panel discussion: State-building – governance and development under international administrations
Panelists: Prof. David Chandler, Westminster University
Dr. Florian Bieber, University of Kent
Dr. Michael Schmunk, German Ambassador to BiH
Prof. Nerzuk Curak, Sarajevo Faculty of Political Science
Boris Divjak, Transparency International
Moderator: Michael Wiechert, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung BIH Director
15:00 – Q&A and discussion
16:30 – Closing of the Open Parliament: Beriz Belkic, BiH Parliamentary Assembly Speaker
16:45 – End
Start Date: 27 Sep 2007
End Date: 27 Sep 2007
Organiser: Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina
Further Information:
The venue is the Parliamentary Assembly, the white hall (House of Peoples), Sarajevo.
Contact Information:
Boris Divjak +387 51 216 928
Srdjan Blagovcanin +387 51 216 369
TI Participants:
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