The Minister of Interior, Lieutenant-General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa said in a speech on Tuesday to mark the International Anti-Corruption Day that the authority will be under the supervision of the Criminal Investigation Department and will be responsible for tracking corruption and detecting perpetratorse.

The minister also announced a hotline to be launched soon through which the new authority could receive corruption- related intelligence information and complaints, and once evidence is established, legal action will be taken.

The Minister said International Anti-Corruption Day that falls on December 9 of each year sheds light on the detrimental effects of corruption that has become one of the main global challenges these days.

“This issue poses danger to economic growth, cripples development efforts and leaves negative effects on security, economies and communities,” he explained.

He affirmed that corruption impairs national development and modernisation schemes, increases inflation and harms the principles of justice, honesty and transparency with regard to the use of human resources .

Reflecting on the situation in Bahrain, the minister 
said the Kingdom 
ranks  high in terms of 

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