TI BiH condemns the attacks on TI Romania

10 Juna 2009

The recent media report indicating that Victor Alistar delayed income declarations to hide illicit gains is an obvious attempt to stop the TI Romania criticism regarding the political abuses committed around the adoption of new legal codes and the financial interests lying behind these.

The role of TI Romania and the civil society in general is to advocate for change, in this case to produce expert research on the causes and effects of corruption, and to serve as a partner for constructive discussions and expert debates with governments and the private sector. However, the work of TI, this time in Romania, has found itself again under the attack and intimidation through orchestrated defamation campaigns.

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina had been in a similar situation, when it was attacked by the government through the media, and therefore wants to show and offer its full support to TI Romania in dealing with the attacks and continuing its activities under this pressure.

TI BiH appeals to the European Commission and the Romanian government to take an active role in stopping and preventing these attempts of undermining the personal integrity of a civil society advocate and in that process, the broader fight against corruption. The civil society must be guaranteed its freedom and space to participate in the public debate and must not be restricted, especially in the fight against corruption.

Yours sincerely,

Emir Đikić
Chair of the Board of Directors
Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina

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