Prime Minister’s Investigation

RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik announced on Tuesday that the authorities in this BiH Entity would ensure protection of every witness and victim of extortion racket run by...

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Dodik said this while commenting on the reporting of certain media outlets in RS, which, referring to a protected witness, reported that two TI BiH’s employees together with Bogdan Novaković, Assistant Director of the Indirect Tax Administration, were implicated in the racketeering of the officials who had been removed from office and businessmen from RS as part of an elaborate network of frauds surrounding the international community’s blacklists.

Dodik responded to these allegations by stating that the Public Prosecutor of BiH did not undertake any steps although the Public Prosecutor’s Office had received a report against TI.

Dodik said that he had not had official information about the alleged extortion racketeering, but he knew for sure that “people from TI BiH, who used to present themselves as holding various important positions, took advantage of their position with the aim of intimidating people and extorting money from them, as confirmed by the witnesses.”

The Entity PM told the reporters that he expected the Public Prosecutor’s Office of BiH to “finally institute the procedure which would look into the allegations that had been pending, awaiting investigation for quite some time, or else RS would withhold any cooperation with this judicial institution”. (FENA * HINA, 1 July)

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of BiH has received neither a report about the perpetrated criminal offence nor the statements of witnesses concerning the alleged racketeering of persons by the representatives of “Transparency International”, Chief Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor’s Office Milorad Barašin confirmed yesterday.

“We have received neither the report of the perpetrated criminal offence from the Police of RS nor the statements of witnesses regarding the alleged offence, and if we do receive them, we will act in accordance with the law as we have done in all other cases”, said Barašin briefly. (Nezavisne novine 09 July 2008)

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