One million anti-corruption supporters wanted

23 Aprila 2009

Several members of the European Parliament have launched a cross-party petition urging the European Commission and Member States to propose legislation and mechanisms to fight corruption. High-level corruption in EU relations with third countries is a particular focus of the petition.

A list of detailed measures for the EU to fight corruption proposed by the petition include: transparent aid flows to partner countries; requiring extractive companies to fully disclose payments made to governments of the countries where they operate; better coordination in efforts to halt tax evasion and the illicit financial activities; and prioritizing the fight against corruption in all EU policies and spending.

The petition is supported by Transparency International and Global Witness. The idea is to cast one million votes for anti-corruption. So, please take a minute to sign the petition at and share the link with your colleagues and friends. You can also join the STOP CORRUPTION Facebook Group to spread the message.

For more information on TI’s work on the EU level, look at:

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