Invention of internal and external enemies is unacceptable and dangerous

10 Novembra 2009

Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) stricty condemns the document of the Government of Republic of Srpska, adopted at the Government session on November 9, under the title “False presentation of social and economic circumstances in RS”, considering it very dangerous and unacceptable. Documents of this kind create an atmosphere of lynch, and put state institutions in service of protecting individual interests of powerful oligarchies.

Besides being swarmed with factual and grammatical errors, this document presents the continuation of the practice of inventing internal and external enemies, which is a characteristic of authoritarian regimes.

TI BiH sees this RS Government document as a continuation of pressures on the work of this organisation, which culminated last year in form of open threats, because of which TI BiH was forced to temporarily suspend its activities in BiH.

As a reminder, freedom of speech and thought present basic human rights and fundamental principles that contemporary democracies were founded on, and through these kinds of actions the Government of RS most directly endangers these human rights. 

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