Interagency Coordination – The International Group for Anti-Corruption Coordination

31 Oktobra 2006

The International Group for Anti-Corruption Coordination is dedicated to strengthening international anti-corruption coordination and collaboration in order to avoid undue duplication and to ensure effective and efficient use of existing resources, using systems already in place at the regional and national level.

The Group will seek to reach out and collaborate with other existing anti-corruption coordination bodies and networks.

It provides a platform for exchange of views, information, experiences and; best practice; on anti-corruption activities for the purpose of enhancing the impact of these activities, including support for the UN Convention against Corruption.

It is uniquely composed of organizations, including NGO's, active internationally in anti-corruption policy, advocacy and enforcement. Members shall actively participate in, and support, the work of the Group. New members can be nominated for inclusion to the Group by advising the Secretariat, who shall review such applications.

The Chairperson and the Secretariat (ODC, OIOS) manage and support the work of IGAC and identify the theme for each meeting, including the selection of appropriate speakers. Members may suggest thematic ideas to the Secretariat for their review.

The Group will select a Chairperson, who will serve a two year term. The Chairperson will oversee the activities of the Group, including the Secretariat, and the organization and conduct of two meetings per year. The Secretariat will also identify funding sources for the activities of the Group where necessary.

The Chairperson will serve as a Spokesperson for the Group at public fora and direct efforts to publicise and advocate the work of the Group.

The IGAC Secretariat is also responsible, with the Chairperson, for the development and maintenance of an electronic database and website on international anti-corruption activities.

The Chairperson will report on the activities of IGAC at each meeting for review and comment by the Group, including any proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference.

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