Gregorian submits plan for bringing “Transparency” into disrepute to the public prosecutor

Sarajevo, 8 July /SRNA/ --- Principal Deputy High Representative, Mr Raffi Gregorian, has received a letter detailing a plan aimed at discrediting “Transparency...

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The OHR spokeswoman Ljiljana Radetić told SRNA [RS News Agency] that Gregorian had received a registered letter detailing a plan for discrediting “Transparency International” on 6 February.

“At that time, the information we received seemed incredible. However, since the developments over the last week have shown that the plan described in the letter is being implemented, the Principal Deputy High Representative sought an audience with Mr Barašin so that he could personally hand over the letter [which can serve] as potential evidence”, said Radetić.

She reiterated that the president of the NGO “Narodni front” [People’s Front] Mr Dragomir Babić had stated yesterday that he was the author of the letter.

“As this letter has become part of the official ongoing investigation, we are not in a position to release any details or make any comments before we consult the acting chief prosecutor”, explained the OHR spokeswoman.

She added that, if anyone believed there were grounds for instituting criminal or civil proceedings, this should be done through the court system rather than by calling out names in the media.

Numerous witnesses have claimed in the media outlets in RS that the members of staff of the international organisation “Transparency International” participated in extortion of money from the officials who had been removed from office and businessmen from RS who were blacklisted by the international community.


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