Doris Pack: Stop obstructing fight against corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Strasbourg, 9 July 2008 - In a statement for the media, Doris Pack, MEP (EPP-ED, Germany), Chairwoman of the Delegation for Relations with the Countries of South East Europe,...

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“As the European Parliament rapporteur on Bosnia and Herzegovina, I urge all Bosnia political leaders and government's representatives, at all levels, to re-invigorate their reform efforts to strengthen public administration, transparency in the management of public assets and access to information, including firm support to those, NGOs and others, who are fighting against corruption in the country, with big commitment and competence.

“The EU recently renovated its trust in Bosnia and Herzegovina's potential as a future member of the Union, signing the SAA, and this also means that the political authorities will have to eliminate any obstacle to the fulfilment of the political and economic criteria. Obstruction towards the anti-corruption fighters will not be tolerated”.

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