TI BiH Presents Publication “Best Practices in Detecting and Sanctioning of Corruption”

28 November 2014

Banja Luka, 28th November 2014 – During 2014, Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) in cooperation with the Transparency International Czech Republic (TIC) have been implementing the project Support of the independence of the law enforcement bodies in detecting corruption cases, founded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The representatives from the Law Enforcement Agencies, judiciary and other experts involved in investigation of corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Czech Republic participated in the numerous project activities. Significant part of these activities related to the exchange of information on good practices, obstacles and risks in investigating and prosecution corruption in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Czech Republic, which have resulted in the study, entitled “Best Practices in Detecting and Sanctioning of Corruption.


The conference and presentation of the publication will be held on Monday, 1st December 2014, at the Hotel Europe in Sarajevo, with the beginning at 11.00 AM. The Agenda is attached below.


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